104 Nuclear Reactors: List of Nuclear Power Plants in US
By soumitra, Gaea News NetworkFriday, March 12, 2010
New York (GaeaTimes.com) – Obama Administration has recently guaranteed billions of loans for new nuclear power plants in the U.S. But the decision of new power plants may not be heartily welcomed in every part of the country. There are already 104 nuclear power plants in the U.S. and some of these power plants allegedly have some radio active leaks. In this scenario, the question arises whether we need more nuclear power plants or not. However, here is the list of nuclear power plants in the U.S.
NRC Region One (Northeast)
1. Beaver Valley, Pennsylvania
2. Calvert Cliffs, Maryland
3. Connecticut Yankee, Connecticut (Decommissioned)
4. FitzPatrick, New York
5. Ginna, New York
6. Hope Creek, New Jersey
7. Indian Point, New York
8. Limerick, Pennsylvania
9. Maine Yankee, Maine (Decommissioned)
10. Millstone, Connecticut
11. Nine Mile Point, New York
12. Oyster Creek, New Jersey
13. Peach Bottom, Pennsylvania
14. Pilgrim, Massachusetts
15. Salem, New Jersey
16. Saxton, Pennsylvania (Decommissioned)
17. Seabrook, New Hampshire
18. Shippingport, Pennsylvania (Decommissioned)
19. Shoreham, New York (Decommissioned)
20. Susquehanna, Pennsylvania
21. Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania
22. Vermont Yankee, Vermont
23. Yankee Rowe, Massachusetts (Decommissioned)
NRC Region Two (South)
1. Bellefonte, Alabama (Unfinished)
2. Browns Ferry, Alabama
3. Brunswick, North Carolina
4. Carolinas-Virginia Tube Reactor, South Carolina (decommissioned)
5. Catawba, South Carolina
6. Crystal River 3, Florida
7. Farley (Joseph M. Farley), Alabama
8. Grand Gulf Nuclear Generating Station, Mississippi
9. Hatch (Edwin I. Hatch), Georgia
10. McGuire, North Carolina
11. North Anna, Virginia
12. Oconee, South Carolina
13. Virgil C. Summer, South Carolina
14. Alvin W. Vogtle, Georgia
15. H.B. Robinson, South Carolina
16. Sequoyah, Tennessee
17. Shearon Harris, North Carolina
18. St. Lucie, Florida
19. Surry, Virginia
20. Turkey Point, Florida
21. Watts Bar, Tennessee
NRC Region Three (Midwest)
1. Byron, Illinois
2. Braidwood, Illinois
3. Clinton, Illinois
4. Davis-Besse, Ohio
5. Donald C. Cook, Michigan
6. Dresden, Illinois
7. Duane Arnold, Iowa
8. Elk River, Minnesota (Decommissioned)
9. Enrico Fermi, Michigan
10. Kewaunee, Wisconsin
11. La Crosse, Wisconsin (Decommissioned)
12. LaSalle County, Illinois
13. Marble Hill, Indiana (Unfinished)
14. Monticello, Minnesota
15. Palisades, Michigan
16. Perry, Ohio
17. Piqua, Ohio (Decommissioned)
18. Point Beach, Wisconsin
19. Prairie Island, Minnesota
20. Quad Cities, Illinois
21. Zion, Illinois (Decommissioned)
NRC Region Four (West)
1. Arkansas Nuclear One, Arkansas
2. Callaway, Missouri
3. Columbia, Washington - formerly WNP-2
4. Comanche Peak, Texas
5. Cooper, Nebraska
6. Diablo Canyon, California
7. Fort Calhoun, Nebraska
8. Fort Saint Vrain, Colorado (Decommissioned)
9. Grand Gulf, Mississippi
10. Hallam, Nebraska (Decommissioned)
11. Hanford N Reactor, Washington (Retired - see Plutonium Production Reactors below)
12. Humboldt Bay, California (Decommissioned)
13. Palo Verde, Arizona
14. Pathfinder, South Dakota (Decommissioned)
15. Rancho Seco, California (Decommissioned)
16. River Bend, Louisiana
17. San Onofre, California
18. Sodium Reactor Experiment, California (Closed 1964)
19. South Texas Project Electric Generating Station, Texas
20. Trojan, Rainier, Oregon (Decommissioned)
21. MSTR, Missouri
22. Vallecitos, California (idle research center)
23. Waterford, Louisiana
24. Wolf Creek, Kansas
Plutonium production reactors
Hanford Site, Washington
1. B-Reactor (Pile) - Preserved as a Museum
2. F-Reactor (Pile) - Cocooned
3. D-Reactor (Pile) - Cocooned
4. H-Reactor (Pile) - Being Cocooned
5. DR-Reactor (Pile) - Cocooned
6. C-Reactor (Pile) - Cocooned
7. KE-Reactor (Pile) - Being Cocooned
8. KW-Reactor (Pile) - Being Cocooned
9. N-Reactor - Being Cocooned
Savannah River Site, South Carolina
1. R-Reactor (Heavy Water) - S&M (Surveillance and Maintenance) Mode
2. P-Reactor (Heavy Water) - S&M Mode
3. L-Reactor (Heavy Water) - S&M Mode
4. K-Reactor (Heavy Water) - S&M Mode
5. C-Reactor (Heavy Water) - S&M Mode