Divorced, destitute women will now get pension in Delhi

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

NEW DELHI - The Delhi government Tuesday announced that monthly pension of Rs.1,000 would be given to divorced, separated, abandoned, deserted and destitute women in the capital.

Announcing the decision after a Delhi cabinet meeting here, Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit said the government has decided to expand the eligibility conditions under Widow Pension Scheme to include divorced, separated, abandoned, deserted and destitute women.

“The existing scheme for providing pension of Rs.1,000 to economically deprived widows was implemented in 2007-08, which has been effective in providing sustenance to 33,000 economically deprived widows in Delhi,” Dikshit said.

The chief minister said it has been observed that in addition to widows there are a large number of women in distress who are in desperate need of financial assistance.

“These women will also get monthly pension of Rs.1,000, which will be remitted to the bank account of the beneficiary on a quarterly basis,” she said.

Explaining the eligibility criteria for availing benefits under the scheme, Dikshit said: “They should be residents of Delhi for more than five years, aged between 18 to 60 years, holding a savings account in any bank, not receiving any pension from government or maintenance allowance as per judicial orders.”

Filed under: Society

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