AP answers your questions on the news, from wildlife and wind farms to unemployment benefits
By APFriday, September 25, 2009
Ask AP: Wind power and wildlife, jobless benefits
Wind power has its fans, but the turbines that turn breezes into energy are also generating concerns: Some worry that the huge contraptions might put wildlife at risk.
So has anyone considered illuminating them with floodlights or painting them hot pink, so animals know to stay away?
Curiosity about more wildlife-friendly wind farms inspired one of the questions in this edition of “Ask AP,” a weekly Q&A column where AP journalists respond to readers’ questions about the news.
If you have your own news-related question that you’d like to see answered by an AP reporter or editor, send it to newsquestions@ap.org, with “Ask AP” in the subject line. And please include your full name and hometown so they can be published with your question.
Where do the funds for my unemployment check come from?
Javier Gamez
Pico Rivera, Calif.
Unemployment insurance is funded by a combination of state and federal taxes levied on employers. The federal tax is equivalent to 0.8 percent of the first $7,000 of wages, or a maximum of $56 per employee, according to the Labor Department. State taxes vary.
The federal taxes pay for the administration of the program and have also been paying for emergency extended benefits, as Congress has added up to 53 weeks of extra benefits on top of the 26 weeks provided by most states. State taxes pay for the first 26 weeks.
But those taxes haven’t been able to keep up with the record number of Americans receiving unemployment insurance, as joblessness has soared during the current recession to a 26-year high of 9.7 percent. As a result, extended benefits are now being paid out of federal income tax revenue.
Many states are also borrowing from the federal government as their unemployment insurance trust funds have been depleted — another cost ultimately being borne by the taxpayer.
Christopher S. Rugaber
AP Economics Writer
Following up on the issue of wind farms potentially harming birds and sea life, from a previous Ask AP:
Have the makers of wind turbines done anything with their designs to try to prevent this? Such as by using sounds, bright fluorescent paint or floodlights that might keep animals safe? It seems like this might reduce opposition to these projects.
Bob Enger
Los Angeles
Turbine manufacturers and wind farm developers are experimenting with techniques to try to reduce bird and other wildlife injuries.
One idea is to determine wildlife migratory patterns before work is started so turbines can be located outside those pathways. Another is to shut down turbines temporarily when birds are migrating through the area.
Some companies are testing radar to detect the presence of birds and then tilt turbine blades to allow for safer passage. Others have painted blades and adjusted blade speeds, but the jury is still out whether those steps have been successful, said Dave Stout of the Fish and Wildlife Service.
Manufacturers have designed turbines with fewer places for birds to nest, and towers that are 200 feet or taller also have been fitted with lights to comply with a Federal Aviation Administration regulation.
Stout heads a committee of industry, environmental and academic groups that is drafting recommendations for protecting wildlife at wind farms. The proposal will be sent to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar next month for review.
Sandy Shore
AP Energy Writer
Will the proposals in Congress for health care reform reduce or eliminate costs related to workers’ compensation claims? And will they reduce costs for Veterans’ Administration and federal employee health care?
Rowland Driskell
Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif.
First of all, workers’ compensation is largely handled by the states, not by the federal government. And there’s nothing in the health care bills in Congress that would affect the federal employee health plan.
As for veterans, President Barack Obama has said the proposed health care overhaul would not change how they get their VA medical services. He’s told veterans that there’s no discussion in Washington that involves taking away veterans’ health benefits.
Republicans and some veterans organizations, however, have expressed concern that veterans could be subjected to a 2.5 percent tax targeting individuals who don’t have acceptable health insurance, unless it is specifically written into legislation that health care from the VA would be considered acceptable.
Donna Cassata
AP Health Care Policy Editor
Kimberly Hefling
AP Veterans’ Affairs Writer
Have questions of your own? Send them to newsquestions@ap.org.
Tags: Animals, Ask-ap, Birds, Government Pay, Government Regulations, Health Care Costs, Health care reform, Health Issues, Industry Regulation, Labor Economy, Military Affairs, Personnel, Political Issues