UN weather agency says El Nino has strengthened and could last until May

UN: El Nino likely to last until May

GENEVA — The weak to moderate El Nino weather system in the tropical Pacific Ocean has strengthened considerably and could create droughts and floods around the world until May, a U.N. agency said Wednesday.

Lull in the storms: 2009 hurricane season ends as one of calmest since 1990s

Hurricane season ends with barely a whimper

A lull in the storms: 2009 hurricane season ends, was one of the calmest since 1990s

Hurricane seasons ends, one of calmest since 1990s

Trying to make rain, Hugo Chavez ‘bombing’ clouds in Venezuela with Cuba’s help

Venezuela turns to cloud-seeding to battle drought


Does a rapist marrying the rape-victim right the wrong?
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Weather Patterns

  • Randomhero180 Apparently these weather patterns are following those of the winter of '77/'78? I would love it if that was th https://tweetphoto.com/5659024
  • Flyingbagman Do climate change models take into account water vapour levels (clouds) & their effect on weather patterns? Apparently not! WHY?
  • tanya_roth High of 60F today, snow tomorrow. Insane weather patterns brought to you by the letter "M", for "Misery" or "Missouri," whichever you prefer
  • Obamaodom Showers and thunderstorms today, tomorrow- Central Floridians could see a shift in weather patterns today as a low ... https://bit.ly/1j63hC
  • bruciebonus41 I reckon planet earth needs to be more flexible with the weather patterns, just because its december doesnt mean it has to drop 8 degrees!!
  • kaseymanning Dear new england, you are fucking cold! I hate your weather patterns almost as much as i do the britney bots! Love, Kasey
  • zagundo 1st day of Summer and it's 16C. These weather patterns put a new meaning to the - Changing of the Seasons.
  • tmalexan I love the PA turnpike and its funky weather patterns.
  • fojolbros Due to swings in the district's weather patterns, the fojol bros. will be taking the Tin Can to Metro Center. Stay tuned for location.

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Weather Patterns

  • rschott Could a large Yellowstone eruption significantly change weather patterns
  • intellibitz @vineetsamson Birthdays in India follows some marriage & weather season patterns :)
  • michaelblack yesterday I cracked my head in my dad's workshop. I saw weather chart patterns instead of stars.
  • riotgrrrl76 MetIndex_welcome
  • mrush Last day in denver and it decided to get cold. 44 for the high vs 72 yesterday.
  • polymath22 Rant over 4 now , but having 2be into weather patterns 4work believe me its crap bout the global warming myth we r being fed
  • jonreed Portaloo: "but we always get unusual weather patterns". No Michael. Otherwise they would be usual.
  • xixidu Cold as Hell with a Chance of Dust Storms: Weather Movies from Mars
  • jimgleeson @Prokofy I was not talking about God, but nature. To ascribe motivation to weather patterns is illogical.
  • rateldajer "Global Warming is not real because weather patterns have stabilized in the last 10 years!" Why stat
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