Congress sends Obama $106B bill to fund wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

WASHINGTON — Congress on Thursday sent President Barack Obama a massive spending bill aimed at ensuring that the military efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan won’t run out of money in the coming months.

Congress sends Obama $106 billion bill to fund wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

WASHINGTON — Congress is sending President Barack Obama a $106 billion bill ensuring that the military will have the money to fight the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan during the final months of this year.

Guided through the House by Democrats, war-spending bill may face difficulty in Senate

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Wednesday agreed to prohibit the release of photos depicting the abuse of detainees by U.S. troops, clearing a choke point to congressional approval of a $106 billion war-spending bill.

Guided through the House by Democrats, war-funding bill may face difficulty in Senate

WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Wednesday that this is the last time Congress will go through the ordeal of passing an off-the-books, expensive bill to fund two wars. It may also be one of the more difficult.

With House vote, Senate poised to approve $106 billion war-funding bill

WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Wednesday that this is the last time Congress will go through the ordeal of passing an expensive, unpaid-for war spending bill. It may also be one of the more difficult.

Legislation to provide $106 billion for wars, other causes, passes House

WASHINGTON — War-funding legislation survived a fierce partisan battle in the House on Tuesday, a major step in providing commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan the money they would need for military operations in the coming months.

In narrow vote, House approves $106B to maintain war operations in Iraq and Afghanistan

WASHINGTON — The House has narrowly approved a $106 billion bill to ensure financing for war operations in Iraq and Afghanistan over the coming months.

Legislation to provide $106 billion for wars, other causes, heads for close House vote

WASHINGTON — Democratic leaders searched for votes Tuesday as the House took up a $106 billion bill to fund wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


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