Italian aid worker for Red Cross freed in Philippines after being held hostage for 6 monthsMANILA, Philippines — Al-Qaida-linked militants freed an ailing Italian Red Cross worker Sunday from six months of jungle captivity in the southern Philippines, officials said. Obama picks parks chief enmeshed in oyster flap with California senator, shellfish farmerPresident Barack Obama on Friday tapped Jon Jarvis to head the National Park Service, turning to a 30-year-veteran who oversees the national parks across the Western states, and who also has angered a powerful U.S. senator and backers of a Northern California oyster farm. G8-G5 summit: World powers accept warming limitL’AQUILA - Developed and developing nations have agreed that global temperatures should not rise more than two degrees Celsius above 1900 levels, a G8 summit declaration has said. Pennsylvania agency looking into allegations of discrimination at Philly-area swim clubHUNTINGDON VALLEY, Pa. — The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission will investigate allegations of racial discrimination against a Philadelphia-area swim club accused of kicking out black and Hispanic children. Bombs easily sneaked past government guards at high security US government buildingsWASHINGTON - An investigative arm of the US Congress has revealed that bomb parts were sneaked past guards and assembled inside several US government buildings by undercover agents. Sikh clergy decree against solemnizing gay marriagesAMRITSAR - The Sikh clergy has issued a decree to the community not to solemnize any gay marriage, terming it as unacceptable in the faith. House Democrats consider surtax on the wealthy as option to pay for health care legislationWASHINGTON — An income tax surcharge on highly paid Americans emerged as the leading option Wednesday night as House Democrats sought ways to pay for health care legislation that President Barack Obama favors, several officials said. Surtax on the wealthy emerges as leading option in House health care billWASHINGTON — An income tax surcharge on highly paid Americans emerged as the leading option Wednesday night as House Democrats sought ways to pay for health care legislation that President Barack Obama favors, several officials said. G-8 deplores violence in the aftermath of Iran’s electionL’AQUILA, Italy — Group of Eight leaders said Wednesday that they deplored the violence in the aftermath of Iran’s disputed election last month, but added they remained committed to seeking a diplomatic solution to Iran’s contentious nuclear program. Partisan differences plague health care bill in Senate, raise doubts about timetableWASHINGTON — Senate Democrats edged away Wednesday from their goal of passing ambitious health care legislation by early August amid heightening partisan controversy over tax increases and a proposed new government role in providing insurance to consumers. UK man banned from getting drunk for 7yrsLONDON - A man, who committed a series of drunk and disorderly offences, has been banned from getting drunk anywhere in England and Wales for the next seven years. Tackle climate change now, top scientists urge world leadersNEW DELHI - As leaders of the world’s 13 major countries prepare to meet at the G8+5 summit in Italy this week, 24 leading scientists from these countries have appealed to them to take immediate action to combat climate change. Iran frees a British embassy employee, another still heldLONDON - One of the last two British Embassy employees, held in Iran on the alleged charges of being behind last month’s post-election violence in the country, has been released. Ousted Honduran president vows to try again after plane blocked from landing in homelandTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — Honduras’ interim government closed its main airport to all flights on Monday after blocking the runway to prevent the return of ousted President Manuel Zelaya. Clashes with his supporters caused the first death in a week of protests. Dalits (Scheduled Caste) in India Deprieved of Rs.72,500 crore by UPA Government: StudyNEW DELHI - The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) may wax eloquent about empowering the downtrodden, but in the last five years it has denied the Scheduled Castes (SCs) a whopping Rs.72,500 crore ($15.16 billion) that should have been earmarked for them under a special scheme. INSIDE WASHINGTON: With many items missing, is National Archives good record-keeping steward?WASHINGTON — National Archives visitors know they’ll find the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights in the main building’s magnificent rotunda in Washington. But they won’t find the patent file for the Wright Brothers’ Flying Machine or the maps for the first atomic bomb missions anywhere in the Archives inventory. Is US National Archive compromising on your important and confidential information?
Next generation fireworks turn out to be a whole lot ‘greener’WASHINGTON - A team of scientists is working on a new generation of eco friendly pyrotechnics that produce less smoke and use fewer toxic metals. Railways to set up cold storages, run fruit-vegetable trainsNEW DELHI - The Indian Railways have decided to run special trains for perishables and set up cold storages and temperature-controlled cargo centres in an effort to eliminate food wastage and contribute to India’s second green revolution. Aborigine child abuse six times higher than non-Aborigine child abuse in Australia: ReportDARWIN - The latest two-yearly study of the Australian Government’s Productivity Commission damningly reveals that indigenous children are six times more likely to suffer abuse or neglect than non-indigenous children and 28 times more likely to wind up in jail. Before holidays, British schools told to watch out for forced marriagesLONDON - British schools were Thursday urged to look out for signs of forced marriages ahead of school holidays. Report on indigenous Australians shows widening gap in child abuse; few social improvementsSYDNEY — Children in Australia’s Aboriginal communities are six times as likely to be abused or neglected than the country’s non-indigenous children, a government report said Thursday. Amnesty accuses Israel, Hamas of war crimes in Gaza offensiveJERUSALEM — Amnesty International accused Israel and Palestinian militants of war crimes Thursday in the most comprehensive report on the recent Gaza war. Both sides rejected the findings. National Express gives up on money-losing London-Edinburgh rail franchiseLONDON — National Express Group PLC said Wednesday that it will give up its money-losing franchise to operate passenger service on the London-Edinburgh rail line, blaming the recession. Liberal-leaning religious groups launch radio ads supporting effort to overhaul health careWASHINGTON — Liberal-leaning religious groups are launching radio ads in five states this week in which local pastors urge senators to back efforts to overhaul the nation’s health care system. Democrats warn Republicans not to overplay their health care cards in name of bipartisanshipWASHINGTON — Mainstream Democrats close to Barack Obama are warning Republicans about insisting on too many changes to the president’s health care overhaul, saying the Democratic-controlled Congress will move ahead without GOP input if they do. Holocaust conference says caring for survivors is matter of “utmost urgency”PRAGUE — An international conference assessing efforts to return property and possessions stolen by the Nazis to their rightful owners or heirs said Monday that caring for Holocaust survivors is a matter of the “utmost urgency.” BJP asks government to stick to stand on trade talksNEW DELHI - The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the main opposition party in parliament, Monday asked the government not to succumb to pressure from the developed world and change its stand on agriculture subsidies ahead of the mini trade talks to be held here later this year. Angry UK terms arrest of embassy staff in Iran unacceptableLONDON - The Gordon Brown Government in Britain has reacted to the arrest of at least eight Iranians working for the British Embassy in Tehran, calling the move unacceptable “harassment and intimidation”. Police, protesters clash anew in Iran as EU condemns arrests of British Embassy staffEDITOR’S NOTE: Iranian authorities have barred journalists for international news organizations from reporting on the streets and ordered them to stay in their offices. This report is based on the accounts of witnesses reached in Iran and official statements carried on Iranian media. |