budhoe Althouse: Open marijuana farming in northern California has "just ...: Tobacco was a weed before it became.. https://bit.ly/73BJj
otakudaddy I come from Bluegrass music and tobacco farming, barns and banjos, churches and casseroles. I seldom sing the song of myself.
lookman RT @GREENTwibe RT @lookman_authorAre bio-fuels really green than tobacco farming via https://twib.es/9YVb NO!
lookman Are bio-fuels really green than tobacco farming https://twib.es/t-354GB
epponuman Need land to grow food - STOP - tobacco, sugar, coffee, tea, whiskey, beer, wine, poppies, MEAT PRODUCTION, dairy farming. Dull, yes I know
tkc New Hotness: KC Urban Farming Tobacco!!!
ahvega Cine Hispano - Santa Rosa de Copan (via Adal-Honduras)
Santa Rosa de Cop�n is the departmental capital of the Honduran department of Cop�n. It is set at an altitude of approximately 1000m.
czarphanguye Holy moly. 71 miles in Lancaster Pa. Very sweaty and tired.
deusdiabolus We stopped subsidizing tobacco farming. The result Tobacco farmings on the rise.
tedomatic Ted is glad our legislature and governor know what is best for us, since we don't. They've saved us from online school, trans-fats, payday loans, tobacco, logging, farming, nuclear power, and now cell phones.