Gates Foundation commits $335 million for teacher quality experiments in 4 states

Gates Foundation gives $335M for teacher quality


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Teacher Unions

  • ulblogs Partners in Progress Teacher Unions, Education Reform and Social Partnership in England
  • witandwisdom Sats could be scrapped by 2012, hints Ed Balls
  • msgnet An example of why teachers unions suck:
  • thejokell Yet another way unions are a benefit to workers. Oh wait...
  • educationgrant Ford Foundation to give $100 million to teacher unions
  • polymath22 Teacher's unions protect bad teachers and financial well-being of administrators over student achievement and well-being
  • polymath22 clairecelsi: Teachers unions protect bad teachers and financial well-being of administrators over student achievement and well-being
  • polymath22 "SAVE Sacramento" (Coalition incl: SEIU, Local Teacher's Unions, Trades, City Council, etc) met this morning@ SCTA ~...
  • robertogreco Gary Stager: First We Kill the Teacher Unions! [via:]
  • sbockmann Supporting Teacher Talent: The View from Generation Y | Public Agenda
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