ulblogs Partners in Progress Teacher Unions, Education Reform and Social Partnership in England
witandwisdom Sats could be scrapped by 2012, hints Ed Balls
msgnet An example of why teachers unions suck: https://tinyurl.com/ygym4r5
thejokell Yet another way unions are a benefit to workers. Oh wait... https://bit.ly/2PTsDx.
educationgrant Ford Foundation to give $100 million to teacher unions https://bit.ly/2oshim
polymath22 Teacher's unions protect bad teachers and financial well-being of administrators over student achievement and well-being
polymath22 clairecelsi: Teachers unions protect bad teachers and financial well-being of administrators over student achievement and well-being
polymath22 "SAVE Sacramento" (Coalition incl: SEIU, Local Teacher's Unions, Trades, City Council, etc) met this morning@ SCTA ~... https://bit.ly/faDSB
robertogreco Gary Stager: First We Kill the Teacher Unions! [via: https://practicaltheory.org/serendipity/index.php/archives/1229-Gary-Stager-First-We-Kill-the-Teachers-Unions.html]
sbockmann Supporting Teacher Talent: The View from Generation Y | Public Agenda