Edpenn13 So. What CAN be done to stop flooding and storm surges in California? To find out I should probably just move there.
TremorSkimmer [NOV13] RT @wunderground Dr. Masters says, "Record storm surges hit Mid-Atlantic coast" https://wxug.us/3l
TropicalTrack Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog: Record storm surges hit Mid-Atlantic coast https://bit.ly/4EP17P Full https://bit.ly/2YwI2a
PaulHassing Storm surges could flood St Kilda, including Luna Park & Acland St, & remove St Kilda & Middle Park beaches: https://bit.ly/1oGO41
WeatherObs Record storm surges hit Mid-Atlantic coast: Record storm surges have caused major flooding along the North Caro.. https://bit.ly/MNYhi
wunderground Dr. Masters says, "Record storm surges hit Mid-Atlantic coast" https://wxug.us/3l
natfinch I haven't been up this late in AGES, and yet I'm no closer to being ready to travel to Norfolk tomorrow and face the storm surges...
FOX16WXJeremy The remnants of Ida bringing heavy rain and strong wind to the Mid-Atlantic, with historic storm surges expected along the coast.
meeetweeet sciencestage.com Do mangroves provide an effective barrier to storm surges? [Letters] https://bit.ly/1ydQLJ
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Storm Surges
mcgeneral TropicalTrack: Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog: Record storm surges hit Mid-Atlantic coast https://bit.ly/4EP17P Full https://bit.ly/2YwI2a
mcgeneral Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog: Record storm surges hit Mid-Atlantic coast
breakingreport RT @TropicalTrack Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog: Record storm surges hit Mid-Atlantic coast https://bit.ly/4EP17P Full https://bit.ly/2YwI2a
bbbrown Record storm surges hit Mid-Atlantic coast
meteomulhouse Dr. Masters says, "Record storm surges hit Mid-Atlantic coast" https://wxug.us/3l
nicholkola @thumbellinna you do realize i was lying and that is our gov and state and you do need to worry about storm surges... right
nicholkola @thumbellinna nope, 'nother state, 'nother governor, you don't need to worry about storm surges at all. https://bit.ly/GsYMv
wildscreentv sciencestage.com Do mangroves provide an effective barrier to storm surges [Letters] https://bit.ly/1ydQLJ
carolinamedia Hurricane Ida, plodded Sunday toward the Gulf Coast with 100 mph winds, threat of flooding and storm surges https://bit.ly/F1wzb
chinadialogue / Army general in charge of New Orleans storm defences says city can no longer be protected from hurricane surges