Strong quake triggers tsunami in the Samoas, killing dozens and flattening villages

PAGO PAGO, American Samoa — A powerful Pacific Ocean earthquake spawned towering tsunami waves that swept ashore on Samoa and American Samoa, flooding and flattening villages, killing dozens of people and leaving several workers missing at devastated National Park Service facilities.

Powerful earthquake triggers tsunami in the Samoas, killing 82 people and flattening villages

Quake triggers tsunami in the Samoas, killing 82

APIA, Samoa — A powerful earthquake in the South Pacific hurled massive tsunami waves at the shores of Samoa and American Samoa, flattening villages and sweeping cars and people out to sea, leaving at least 82 dead and dozens missing.

Scores killed in quake, ensuing tsunami at Samoa islands in South Pacific

APIA, Samoa — A powerful earthquake in the South Pacific hurled massive tsunami waves at the shores of Samoa and American Samoa, flattening villages and sweeping cars and people out to sea, leaving at least 82 dead and dozens missing.


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  • camerongarcia Video of Somoa Tsunami...keep them in your prayers people.
  • tanyabachand breaking news: Obama wins "Survivor: Somoa" after camping out in the back yard of the White House. #nobeLOL
  • TawnyDolley going to be in America Somoa tomorrow. Hope rehearsal don't last too long so i can go exploring!
  • chrisunthank Just got done watching Jim & Pam's wedding on The Office and another great episode of Survivor: Somoa
  • mrdaveyd Is it me or does it seem a bit wrong to have Survivor Somoa on TV tonight? Shouldn't that be replaced w/ a relief effort show or something?
  • GBSAlumni Did you read about the Angels of Somoa? Griffith Uni Medical students saving lives - wonderful story -
  • ShelbStarS Watching Survivor Somoa! So excited about tomorrow! Woot Woot
  • thewrestlechick My sister just said this: "I wonder how many cough drops Somoa Joe went through" #TNA #impact
  • thewrestlechick Amazing Red defeated Somoa joe #TNA #impact
  • zofosho Ghost Armor out here giving away free vouchers wen u come thru and donate clothing for the American Somoa Tsunami Relief effort! Frat Row!!

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  • realitybitesbck Jeff Probst Blogs 'survivor: Somoa': Episode #4: Jeff Probst Blogs 'Survivor: Somoa': Episode #4 Aren't soci..
  • dealnay SAVE $0.24 - US 2009 D MINT AMERICAN SOMOA QUARTER UNC COIN $0.75
  • giada309it nelle Isole Somoa
  • davidaitken TEAR has appeals up for emergencies in India, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, and Somoa
  • looppacosmos NavyNews: INGRAHAM Sailor clearing debris in Am Somoa. Gonna need a bigger wheelbarrow boys.
  • govfresh INGRAHAM Sailor clearing debris in Am Somoa. Gonna need a bigger wheelbarrow boys.
  • nicknich3 A week of disasters for children in Southeast Asia #vietnam #philippines #indonesia #somoa
  • nicknich3 RT @unicefusa: A week of disasters for children in Southeast Asia #vietnam #philippines #indonesia #somoa
  • gretaeagan Help the people in Somoa w/ $15,000 from 15,000 people/tweets $1 or more each = $15,000+! donate here: (via @micahspear)
  • evana Somoa Tsunami Wave Animation
  • francisconarvaja Pobre Somoa
  • skribe @grum It's the glut from Sumatra and Somoa
  • jaheinlein cont to pray- send help: Tonga, Indonesia, Somoa: Tsunami - Wave Coming Ashore
  • ecclesiadigital C�ritas de Indonesia, Somoa y Filipinas al lado de las v�ctimas: C�ritas Espa�ola ha liberado 220.000 euros pro..
  • billromanos @ev @Robin_McGraw @StephenRCovey @Cindyhm1 @jack_welch Can you organize with the @RedCross to help: Somoa, Phillipines, Indonesia, Tonga
  • underwater Somoa: Search continues as more aid arrives - San Francisco Chronicle
  • petrbuben Somoa: Search continues as more aid arrives
  • wolfcat @sydney140 notice how once again even that Somoa article doesn't credit the images however.
  • ksablan RT sealbeachdaily :Somoa postscript: Seal Beach relief effort
  • reddunefilms Heart goes out 2 all in Indonesia, Somoa & Tonga. Really weird I dreamt of Tsunami 2 wks ago & put on Facebook
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