Storm warnings issued, people stock up as heavy weekend snow bears down on mid-Atlantic
Storm warnings as snow bears down on mid-Atlantic Retailers brace for storms set to hit East Coast on crucial last weekend of holiday shopping
Winter weather could slow holiday shoppers Winter warnings for Mid-Atlantic as storms flooding South Florida head north bearing snow
Storms flood Fla., bear snow for mid-Atlantic Researcher says thick, multi-year Arctic sea ice that is home to polar bears is thinning
Canadian researcher says arctic ice is thinning Hajj pilgrims pray at desert mountain after heavy rains kill 77 in Saudi Arabia
Saudi floods kill 77 while Muslims perform hajj Hajj pilgrims pray at desert mountain under hot sun after heavy rains ease
Muslim pilgrims pray under scorching sun at hajj Why do we dream of a white Christmas, and what are the chances we will have one?
Why do we dream of a White Christmas? SPOKANE, Wash. — Bing Crosby didn’t have to dream of a white Christmas — he could bank on it. Rainstorms snarl Islam’s annual hajj, soaking millions of pilgrims
Rains soak pilgrims at Islam’s hajj JIDDAH, Saudi Arabia — The heaviest rain to hit Islam’s annual hajj pilgrimage in years soaked the faithful and flooded the road to Mecca, snarling traffic as millions of Muslims headed for the holy sites. The downpours add an extra hazard on top of intense concerns about the spread of swine flu. Iceberg alert in southern ocean as ice chunks float north toward New Zealand
Icebergs head from Antarctica for New Zealand Helicopters, boats rescue over 200 from floods in UK’s Lake District; Ireland also hard hit
Floods devastate UK Lake District; much of Ireland Helicopters, boats rescue scores from floods in UK’s Lake District; Ireland also hard hit
Floods devastate UK Lake District; Many rescued Russian icebreaker carrying more than 100 tourists on Antarctic cruise reaches clear water
Russian ship frees itself from ice in Antarctic Report on last season’s wind, ice storms in Ky. says moving power lines underground too costly
Ky. delivers report on last season’s costly storms Cruise ship carrying 101 tourists breaks through sea ice in Antarctica, nears open water.
The Nation’s Weather
The nation’s weather Messy winter weather was forecast to continue Tuesday over the Northern U.S. as a low pressure system tracked over the Pacific Northwest and into the Northern Plains. This system was expected to obtain ample moisture from the Pacific Ocean and continue spreading scattered rain showers with periods of heavy snow at higher elevations. |