Hawaii companies that have contributed to Inouye’s campaign to receive earmarks he sponsors

Firms that donate to Inouye receive his earmarks

Senate clears bill to avoid government shutdown, votes to fund government ops through Dec. 18

The White House
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House funds government through Dec. 18, generously funds Interior, environmental programs

President Barack Obama speaks briefly on Afghanistan
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Congressman Capuano relying on Washington experience, fiery style in race to succeed Kennedy

1966 edward kennedy

With nearly 47 years in Senate, Hawaii’s Inouye becomes third-longest-serving member

HONOLULU — Sen. Daniel Inouye becomes the third-longest-serving senator in U.S. history on Thursday, a landmark for the powerful lawmaker who has held a seat in Congress for as long as Hawaii has been a state.

Senate passes Pentagon budget, war funding bill as tally for Afghanistan and Iraq hits $1T

WASHINGTON — As President Barack Obama weighs major shifts in strategy in the deteriorating mission in Afghanistan, the Senate on Tuesday passed a bill bringing the total U.S. tab for that war to about $300 billion.

McCain takes on uphill fight to kill $2.5 billion for additional C-17 cargo jets

WASHINGTON — While ceding some ground to President Obama on high-profile weapons cuts, lawmakers are cutting money for training and spare parts to pay for other weapons Obama doesn’t want and their own pet projects.

House lawmakers act to prevent government shutdown; boost their office budgets

WASHINGTON — The House passed legislation Friday to head off a government shutdown next week by temporarily extending spending on most federal programs at current levels, while boosting lawmakers’ office budgets by more than 8 percent.

Senate passes $32 billion measure boosting EPA, Interior Department budgets

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday approved big budget increases for the Interior Department and the Environmental Protection Agency as it passed a $32 billion spending measure for the budget year that starts next week.

Legislation keeps government from closing down, aids cash-strapped Postal Service

WASHINGTON — A House-Senate panel on Thursday approved legislation to keep the government from closing down when the new budget year starts next week and employed a $4 billion bookkeeping maneuver to keep the financially troubled Postal Service afloat.

Calif. senator sides with oyster farmer over Park Service, environmental activists

WASHINGTON — A powerful Senate Democrat is backing an oyster farmer over the National Park Service in a northern California controversy that has environmentalists seething.

Editorial Roundup: Excerpts From Recent Editorials in Newspapers in the US and Abroad.

News Pres Obama Healthcare

Analysis: Republicans closer to turning tables on Democrats over ethical conduct

WASHINGTON — The revelation that Democratic appropriations kingpins may face an ethics investigation of their campaign donations moves Republicans closer to gaining a corruption issue in 2010.

House ethics panel reviewing campaign donations from recipients of pet projects

WASHINGTON — Lawmakers who steer money and contracts to favored companies and receive campaign contributions in return could face a House ethics committee investigation.

AP News in Brief

The White House

PROMISES, PROMISES: A checklist of Obama’s promises shows the big ones are still to come

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama has not yet achieved the big campaign promises he’ll be judged on years from now, on health care, war, the economy and so much more. It’s early, it’s a colossal load and Rome wasn’t built in 100 days.

Congress, interests groups eye transportation bill expected to total about $500 billion

WASHINGTON — It was an ironic start to legislative efforts to tackle the nation’s transportation woes.


Does a rapist marrying the rape-victim right the wrong?
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Pork Barrel Spending

  • truthbyanymeans ical healthcare bill-a bunch of pork barrel spending that has nothing to do with healthcare (and/or because people wanna work behind the sce
  • SamsonGottshall John McCain just tweeted that sustainable energy research is pork barrel spending. Wtf? How out of touch does he sound....lol
  • charleshunt Officially done following @SenJohnMcCain. At a whopping 1% of the budget, pork barrel spending will never be as sexy as you wish it to be.

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Pork Barrel Spending

  • vsolanoy @SenJohnMcCain Why would algea to ethanol be consudered pork barrel spending if it's considered alternative fuel research
  • yrnf @jasoninthehouse Guess he doesn't know what fiscal responsibility means only know to practice "Pork Barrel Spending"....
  • polymath22 Last Will: Great Budget news the pork barrel spending congress put in the recent bill is not legal. W.. https://bit.ly/lLKHA.
  • lindsaydoll pork-barrel spending at its finest: https://twitter.com/SenJohnMcCain/statuses/5074724093
  • polymath22 Must reduce pork-barrel spending, op-ed by Rebecca Wage, Joint Demilitarization Campaign intern, in the Fresno Bee - https://bit.ly/4sssIF
  • polymath22 Pork Barrel Spending Isn't a Tory Problem. Its a Stimulus Problem https://bit.ly/182zmz https://bit.ly/1Mzfa8 #cdnpoli #roft #ottawaspends
  • polymath22 RT@SenJohnMcCain Federal deficit hits all-time high $1.42 trillion and the pork barrel spending goes on https://news.yahoo.com/
  • ladinah SenJohnMcCain: Federal deficit hits all-time high $1.42 trillion and the pork barrel spending goes on https://news.yahoo.com/
  • polymath22 Federal deficit hits all-time high $1.42 trillion and the pork barrel spending goes on https://news.yahoo.com/
  • norwind Some lawmakers frown on museum spending -- many see fed funding as pork-barrel excess latimes.com - https://shar.es/1Z2AC
  • frontporchlight Some lawmakers frown on museum spending - Many see federal money for museums as pork-barrel excess in a time of rec... https://ow.ly/15UwKQ
  • ladinah SenJohnMcCain: MUST READ Editorial in USA TODAY: https://blogs.usatoday.com/oped/ Business as usual with wasteful pork barrel spending in Washington...
  • polymath22 MUST READ Editorial in USA TODAY: https://blogs.usatoday.com/oped/ Business as usual with wasteful pork barrel spending in Washington...
  • noetical #HallCare :: Unlike #ObamaCare HallCare would: cut the Federal government, cut pork barrel spending, and restor.. https://bit.ly/UM12o
  • noetical #HallCare :: Unlike #ObamaCare HallCare would: cut the Federal government, cut pork barrel spending, and restore #State #Rights. #tcot #HCR
  • billromanos FISMA paper security + Obama pork barrel spending == less federal cyber security, man where do I sign up! https://bit.ly/z9tqS
  • wolfhesse While we're talking partisan spending: a story I did in March: Is a seniors program pork barrel politics https://bit.ly/t5uA #cdnpoli
  • podchef Re-defining Pork Barrel Spending in a sustainable way RT @KatedeCamont: @Porkshop09- a new all pork all the time place by @podchef.
  • laurano If that the case they wldve been out demonstrating agnst drug benefit, Sarbanes-Oxley bill,all pork-barrel spending Bush refused to veto.
  • dffrnt Voters want end to pork-barrel politics
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