Utah Gov. Gary Herbert meets with gay rights groups after opposing anti-discrimination laws

SALT LAKE CITY — Utah Gov. Gary Herbert met with gay rights advocacy groups Tuesday for the first time since saying he opposes providing legal protections for gay and transgender people.

US ambassador: Washington ready to give Tokyo time to review troop re-deployment plan

TOKYO — U.S. Ambassador John Roos said Friday that Washington views Tokyo as an equal partner and is willing to give Japan’s new government time to review a plan to rework the deployment of American troops in the country.

Task force chief Bloom says government won’t use stakes in automakers to make social policy

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — The U.S. government will not use its stake in General Motors to make social policy such as offering more fuel efficient vehicles or limiting auto emissions, the head of a task force overseeing the industry said Wednesday.

PROMISES, PROMISES: Obama health care industry talks echo Cheney energy task force

WASHINGTON — In cutting deals with hospitals and drug makers, President Barack Obama is giving a private inside track to special interests that’s at odds with his promise to make policy in the open.

PROMISES, PROMISES: Obama health care industry talks less public than promised

WASHINGTON — In cutting deals with hospitals and drugmakers, President Barack Obama is giving a private inside track to special interests that’s at odds with his promise to make policy in the open.

FACT CHECK: Leahy tweaks words to take edge off Sotomayor quote in confirmation hearings

WASHINGTON — In endorsing Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy did some creative rewriting of history. And he put quote marks around it.

AMA docs leave door open to public option insurance, signaling they’ll work with Obama

CHICAGO — The nation’s largest group of doctors began their annual meeting as a potential obstacle to President Obama’s health care overhaul. After a big pep talk from Obama himself, they ended it Wednesday by signaling they won’t close the door on one of his key proposals, a public health insurance plan to compete with private insurers.


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  • DorisBurris864 The incapacity of the author of Race, Evolution and Behavior to draw out its policy-making impl https://kissa.be/8sS-
  • nonfiction_book Pricing Nature: Cost-benefit Analysis and Environmental Policy-making - Edward Elgar Publishing. https://tinyurl.com/yemnm2s
  • LadyPolitic That's it. George has a standing ovation. Emphasising honesty and realistic policy making. #cpc09
  • LauraJay_x I hate you policy making...
  • DeeKumala Policy-making dari FASB n SEC ituu bersifat normatif atauu positif sii??? https://myloc.me/UCEg
  • gabgabgabby G7 downgrading caused by growing importance of CHINA 2 the health of global economy means G7 no longer has a stranglehold on policy making.
  • thenewstead6 evidence based policy making, or policy based evidence making? Labour chose the latter - what about Tories? #twinge
  • JimSennett Photo: Companies donate to political campaigns in order to gain some leverage over policy making processes.... https://tumblr.com/xfy3e7cen
  • pscully17 SEIU Andy STERN policy making partner of Obama, Acorn, Americorps..VAn Jones, John Podesta center for AMERICAN Progress..
  • richardapps Asked to look at community engagement again today with strong emphasis on collaborative policy making. Meaty brief. #gov2 #socialmedia
  • PaulNUK #saveukscience - we need a Newton or a Feynman at the heart of UK science policy making.A public figure as well as an expert. Brian ?
  • scientist_no_1 #saveUKscience We must try to build critical mass for increased science budgets + rational policy making ... (via @ProfBrianCox)
  • ProfBrianCox #saveUKscience Inspiring chats at #TAM London. We must try to build critical mass for increased science budgets + rational policy making ...

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  • wenchuan Petr Buben: LIBERATION from FRAUD and DEBT. ABOLISH the FEDERAL RESERVE.
  • noetical White House Playing Its Cards on Afghan Policy Review Very Close to the Vest
  • theblackbook Maddow's 'Creepy' Reasoning: Blasts GOP Senators for Differing on Obama's Foreign Policy
  • nonfictionbook Pricing Nature: Cost-benefit Analysis and Environmental Policy-making - Edward Elgar Publishing. https://tinyurl.com/yemnm2s
  • sarahlay1 Cracking on with this policy document - feel I making progress :)
  • polymath22 @markos Operation Teabaggers has been not merely a failure, but extended the policy discussion, making it harder for them to eff us. #hcr
  • pagankinktress @docstrange And we know full well that government & wealthy people/corporations are in bed together. Policy-making is skewed right off bat.
  • andycarvin Poor Michael Steele. According to Politico, the head of the RNC has been told to shut up and stop making policy for...
  • richardapps Asked to look at community engagement again today with strong emphasis on collaborative policy making. Meaty brief.
  • ceospace The goal is to foster a more wakeful condition to making choice. To be more alert to the policy decisions we make each day.
  • ceospace CEOSpace: The goal is to foster a more wakeful condition to making choice. To be more alert to the policy decisions we make e...
  • jluvisions Jones: Troop levels only part of Afghan policy
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  • max247 RT @WellPreserved: RT @spotlightcity #30dowc RT @hjli: Pangaea, still no corkage 4 Ontario wines @martinkouprie: Yes, I'm making it policy!
  • jluvisions G7 elite make way for wider G20
  • bankingloans Bond yields rise on Credit Policy concerns - Hindu Business Line
  • petrbuben G7 makes way for G20 and emerging nations
  • mvandenberg Remember when it used to be treason for a sitting Congresscritter to oppose the President and/or the President's policies while on foreign soil
  • stoweboyd As the crisis is abating, policy makers are not making banks small enough to fail https://bit.ly/p4gXP #breakupbanks
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