Aye Carumba! Bart’s mom, Marge Simpson, to appear on Playboy cover, 2-page centerfoldCHICAGO — Aye Carumba! Ay Carumba! Bart’s mom, Marge Simpson, to appear on Playboy cover, 2-page centerfoldCHICAGO — Ay Carumba! Ay Carumba! Bart’s mom to be on cover of PlayboyCHICAGO — Marge is about to do something Homer might not approve of. Playboy to set shops in India, fundamentalists annoyed
AP News in BriefObama says he’ll accept Nobel Peace Prize as ‘call to action’ toward peace and prosperity ‘Classy’ Jodie Marsh ‘plays dress up’ in raunchy Playboy shootLONDON - Glamour girl Jodie Marsh dropped her layers to pose for a new raunchy Playboy shoot with a classy look. |