Federal regulators OK breakup that could change power costs in Arkansas, Mississippi
Feds OK breakup to cut power costs in Ark., Miss. First lady seeks to assure older women health care legislation will benefit them![]() Wal-Mart, Kohl’s boosts outlooks, but shoppers’s focus on basics shadows holiday forecasts
Wal-Mart, Kohl’s: Holidays could be rough NEW YORK — Shoppers’ focus on staples such as socks and underwear is driving murky holiday outlooks at Wal-Mart and Kohl’s, even as both posted higher third-quarter earnings Thursday. New figures show Americans may be settling into spending less, still wary about jobs, credit
Americans may be settling into spending less Text of President Barack Obama’s remarks at the Fort Hood memorial service in Texas![]() Earnings Preview: Wal-Mart remains bright spot in retailing, expects strong 3rd qtr
Earnings Preview: Wal-Mart Stores Inc. NEW YORK — Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world’s largest retailer, reports its third-quarter earnings on Thursday before the market opens. The following is a summary of key developments and analyst opinion related to the period. Wall Street looking to the consumer to drive economic growth
Investors look to consumer for clues to recovery House votes to prohibit abortion coverage in government run insurance plan
House votes strict ban on abortion subsidies Amendment would bar federal funding for abortion under health bill, except in extreme cases
Amendment blocks federal funding for abortions House Democratic, House GOP and Senate Democratic health care bills compared![]() more images Victoria’s Secret seeking boost from new bra it calls ‘Miraculous’ this holiday season
Holiday Shopping Notebook: Victoria’s Secret bra October sales offer relief to merchants as shoppers ease up; tough economy still a drag
October sales offer relief to merchants NEW YORK — October’s retail sales results, the best performance since April 2008, show that Americans are spending a little more. But will they be willing to pay full price this holiday season? Advocates for cancer patients decry waiting period; budget for high-risk pool seen as low![]() more images Details on the House health overhaul bill and one taking shape in Senate![]() House Democrats present huge health bill, including government insurance, cheered by Obama![]() more images House Democrats reach agreement on key elements of a health care bill![]() more images Black Friday deals in October? Sears announces early doorbusters ahead of holiday season
Doorbuster deals now part of Christmas creep House Dems to unveil health bill with government-run plan, new sign-up requirements![]() more images Often overlooked, primary care doctors could hold the key to better quality, lower costs![]() more images Health care issues: The cost of health insurance![]() Consumer confidence seen holding steady as shoppers still gloomy heading into holidays
Ahead of the Bell: Consumer confidence NEW YORK — A preliminary report on consumer confidence is expected to hold steady in October compared with September, though the mood is still gloomy heading into the critical holiday season. House health care legislation likely to include new insurance program for long-term care
House bill likely to include long-term health care Kansas regulators approve equalizing electric rates in Westar’s 2 divisions
Kan. agrees to equalize Westar rates KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Kansas regulators on Monday approved the consolidation of the rates paid by customers in Westar Energy Inc.’s northern and southern divisions. Republicans question health care improvements, say proposals could have negative effectsWASHINGTON — Republicans are asking voters a basic question about Democratic proposals to overhaul the nation’s health care system: “Will this improve your life?” Ambulance companies start charging extra to transport extremely overweight patientsTOPEKA, Kan. — The memory still bothers Ken Keller: A panicked ambulance crew had a critically ill patient, but the man weighed more than 1,000 pounds and could not fit inside the vehicle. And the stretcher wasn’t sturdy enough to hold him. Realization of long-term recovery sets in pessimism for manyDES MOINES, Iowa — The stock market’s moving up and some economists are declaring an end to the recession. So, why are people still so pessimistic? Supervalu 2nd-qtr profit drops 42 percent, grocer plots new strategy to draw frugal shoppersPORTLAND, Ore. — Supervalu Inc., one of the nation’s largest grocers, says it will revamp its strategy to draw consumers whose shopping habits may be changed forever by the recession. Toys R Us introduces layaway program for big-ticket items including bikes and cribsNEW YORK — Toys R Us Inc. is introducing a layaway program for larger-ticket items such as bikes and cribs ahead of the holiday season, the company said Monday. Fast-growing willows promise cheap biomass fuel; may allay concerns over VT forest depletionMIDDLEBURY, Vt. — Middlebury College used to heat its buildings with oil, then switched to wood chips. Now it has planted a sustainable and relatively cheap fuel source — willow shrubs —that could help cut demand on the state’s forests. Look at health care plans in House, SenateWASHINGTON — Health care legislation is taking shape in both the House and Senate. Details are being negotiated and any final bill would have to meld proposals from both chambers. A look at various proposals: |