Huckabee calls criticism over Wash. shooting suspect’s 2000 clemency ‘disgusting’
Huckabee: Critics use clemency for political gain Investigators believe family, friends have helped suspect since police officers’ death
Spokesman: Suspect in officers’ death still alive Police storm Seattle home, but find no sign of man wanted in killings of 4 officers
Suspect in officer killings eludes law in Seattle Police say suspect in officer slaying not in Seattle house where he was thought to e holed up
Police: Suspect in deaths of officers not in house Police say suspect in police shootings is in Seattle house, wounded and possibly dead
Police: Suspect in police deaths hurt, maybe dead Shots fired near house where Seattle police seek ‘person of interest’ in deaths of 4 officers
Shots fired in police shooting investigation Police looking for ex-con in shooting deaths of 4 police officers in Washington coffee house
Police seek ex-con in Wash. police shootings Obama grants holiday pardon _ his first after 10 months in office _ to turkey named ‘Courage’![]() more images Texas inmate executed after governor rejects clemency recommendation from parole board
Texas inmate executed after gov. rejects clemency Texas inmate executed after Gov. Perry rejects parole board’s clemency recommendation
Texas executes inmate after Perry refuses reprieve Texas governor rejects parole board recommendation of clemency for condemned inmate
Texas governor refuses clemency for condemned man Gov. Perry to decide fate of Texas inmate set to die; parole board says he deserves clemency
Texas governor to decide condemned killer’s fate Gov. Perry may decide fate of inmate set to die Thurs.; parole board says he deserves clemency
Texas governor may decide condemned killer’s fate Death penalty possible for Fort Hood massacre suspect, but military executions have been rare![]() more images Cuban man, Texas prison gang leader, executed Tuesday night for Houston robbery-slaying
Cuban man executed for Houston slaying HUNTSVILLE, Texas — A Cuban-born man identified as a leader in a Hispanic prison gang was executed Tuesday evening for the robbery-slaying of a Houston drug dealer more than 10 years ago. Freed Equatorial Guinea coup-plotter says others should face justice in case, returns home
Equatorial Guinea coup-plotter returns home to UK British coup-plotter freed from prison in Equatorial Guinea says he regrets role in affair
Freed British coup-plotter says he regrets role DC Sniper mastermind John Allen Muhammad asks US Supreme Court to stop next week’s execution
DC sniper asks Supreme Court to block execution British coup-plotter Simon Mann, 4 South Africans, freed in Equatorial Guinea after pardon
British coup-plotter freed in Equatorial Guinea Judge: British coup-plotter Simon Mann, 4 South Africans, pardoned in Equatorial Guinea
Coup-plotter Simon Mann pardoned in Eq. Guinea Cheney’s FBI interview featured 72 times in which he said he could not recall
Cheney FBI interview: 72 times of can’t recall Cheney’s FBI interview featured 72 instances in which he said he could not recall
SC officials posthumously pardon 2 great-uncles of talk show host who were executed in 1915COLUMBIA, S.C. — South Carolina pardoned syndicated radio host Tom Joyner’s great-uncles Wednesday, nearly a century after they were sent to the electric chair for the 1913 murder of a Confederate Army veteran. Judge orders FBI to release much of its interview with Cheney during CIA leak investigationWASHINGTON — A federal judge ruled Thursday that the FBI must publicly reveal much of its notes from an interview with former Vice President Dick Cheney during the investigation into who leaked the identity of a CIA operative. Correction: Greece-Obit-MakarezosATHENS, Greece — In an Aug. 5 obituary of Nikolaos Makarezos, a senior figure in the 1967-74 Greek dictatorship, The Associated Press erroneously reported that Makarezos was sentenced to death for treason after the fall of the military regime — a sentence later commuted to life imprisonment. Pardons board delays clemency decision on Pa. inmates after ruling that could relax standardsHARRISBURG, Pa. — Two Pennsylvania inmates who have won plaudits for their decades-long efforts to reduce prison violence and counsel troubled youths will have to wait a little longer to hear whether their life sentences will be commuted. Pa. life inmates seek clemency after US judge’s decision that could relax rule for thousandsALLENTOWN, Pa. — Tyrone Werts earned a college degree, counseled at-risk teenagers, organized an anti-crime summit, sold Girl Scout cookies, and once prevented the rape of a teacher — all while serving a life sentence for second-degree murder and robbery. German authorities say former leftist terrorist linked to 1977 prosecutor’s murder arrestedBERLIN — Using new DNA evidence, police have arrested a former German leftist terrorist on suspicion of involvement in the 1977 slaying of West Germany’s federal prosecutor and two other people, authorities said Friday. Key dates in life of former South Korean President Kim Dae-jungJan. 6, 1924 — Born in South Jeolla province in southwestern Korea during era of Japanese colonial rule. Some sources say he was born in 1925. Murderous former members of Charles Manson Family grow old in prisonSeven former members of Charles Manson’s communal “family” remain in prison 40 years after the Tate-La Bianca killings made the cult notorious; two others have been released. They are: |