Hajj pilgrims pray at desert mountain after heavy rains kill 77 in Saudi Arabia

Saudi floods kill 77 while Muslims perform hajj

Hajj pilgrims pray at desert mountain under hot sun after heavy rains ease

Muslim pilgrims pray under scorching sun at hajj


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Mount Arafat

  • gino510 wwwgmanewstv Breaking News : Saudi floods kill 77 while Muslims perform hajj: MOUNT ARAFAT, Saudi Arabia - Muslim pilgrims holdi... http
  • gmanewstvbrk Saudi floods kill 77 while Muslims perform hajj: MOUNT ARAFAT, Saudi Arabia - Muslim pilgrims holding white umbrell... https://bit.ly/6fBZWU
  • fingertipnews AP Intl: Saudi floods kill 77 while Muslims perform hajj - MOUNT ARAFAT, Saudi Arabia (AP) -- Muslim pilgrims h... https://ow.ly/164wSy
  • salmanj10 a rocky desert outside the Holy city of Macca to perform Wuquf (standing) at Mount Arafat,
  • Abdoabdalla I am about to cry when I see people who made the pilgrimage on Mount Arafat .. :'( oh Allah I am waiting for the... https://fb.me/5JvTvr0
  • babanjoko as muslims worship on Mount Arafat today, may almighty Allah(AWJ) grant every believing muslim the joy of this world & hereafter. Amin!
  • confabmac Muslim pilgrims climb Mount Arafat as 2m brave heat outside Mecca https://bit.ly/7jhZwe
  • ian_black Muslim pilgrims climb Mount Arafat as 2m brave heat outside Mecca https://bit.ly/5FtyXr
  • Y0UTubeNews Broadcast: "Hajj pilgrim descend on Mount Arafat Youtube Video Streaming" https://tinyurl.com/ycmvmco
  • randomprofiles Pilgrims flooded into Arafat plain from Mecca and Mina before dawn for key ritual around Mount Arafat https://www.randomprofiles.blogspot.com

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Mount Arafat

  • theguardian Muslim pilgrims climb Mount Arafat as 2m brave heat outside Mecca
  • hasanalmustafa https://twitpic.com/r00vp - A Muslim pilgrim walks towards Mount Mercy on the plains of Arafat outside the holy city of Mecca.
  • hasanalmustafa https://twitpic.com/r008q - A Muslim pilgrim reads the Koran on Mount Mercy on the plains of Arafat outside the holy city of Mecca.
  • hasanalmustafa https://twitpic.com/r01ck - Muslim pilgrims touch the Jabal al-Rahma pillar on Mount Mercy on the plains of Arafat. #Hajj
  • mohdabdurraafay Any Hajji here on Twitter tweeting from Mount Arafat
  • gazanews @omarc any major flooding this year You are going get to the top of mount Arafat and geotag a pic right :-)
  • amazhd enshaLlah =) @Maysaloon Wishing everyone a blessed Eid, may we all be on Mount Arafat next year.
  • shallyrecords Mecca, Saudi Arabia: Muslim pilgrims touch a holy pillar on top of Jabal al-Rahma, the Mount of Mercy, in the plain of Arafat
  • tmadge Rethinking Islam: Voice of Reason from the Mount of Arafat: The ...
  • intellibitz YouTube - Hajj pilgrims descend on Mount Arafat - 18 Dec 07
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