3 soldiers from US killed in a fired mortar rounds at a base in Southern Iraq, the area which was hoped to be violence free, though the northern part of the country is still hot.
TERRORISMWATCH PHILIPPINES - Rebels Fire Several Mortar Rounds At Troops - No Injuries https://bit.ly/1XC4PM
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mortar rounds
jewishnewsfeeds (YWN) Motzei Yom Kippur News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael: Motzei Yom Kippur: Mortar rounds landed near Kibbu.. https://bit.ly/102Ji6
bocable NYT: U.S. Embassy Under Fire During Biden’s Iraq Visit: At least three mortar rounds were fired towar.. https://bit.ly/DuZKp.
petrbuben NY Times: U.S. Embassy Under Fire During Biden Iraq Visit: At least three mortar rounds were fired towa..
ragnell RT @StripesBaron VP poolers say Biden "fine" after mortar rounds strike Green Zone during Baghdad visit.
tompetom #Gaza Attacks: Seven Mortar Rounds, Two Shootings https://tinyurl.com/m34ov7 #hamas #terror #plo #Israel ME: Cease fire my a...
tompetom RT @NaiveAbroad: DEBKA reports 5 mortar rounds fired from #gaza Thursday. UAR deports Palestinians as security risks.
tompetom DEBKA reports 5 mortar rounds fired from #gaza Thursday. UAR deports Palestinians as security risks.
tompetom RT @JewishNewsFeeds: #Israel NN - #Gaza Attacks: Seven Mortar Rounds, Two Shootings - https://bit.ly/OZDId
jewishnewsfeeds #Israel NN - Gaza Attacks: Seven Mortar Rounds, Two Shootings: Gaza terrorists attacked several time.. https://bit.ly/OZDId
noahdavidsimon Gaza Attacks: Seven Mortar Rounds, Two Shootings https://kl.am/2M1a
aberean Gaza Attacks: Seven Mortar Rounds, Two Shootings
seanmcbride Five mortar bombs fired at Israel from Gaza: army
4chanorg This might seem like a very random question but do mortar rounds...
adep @richflintphoto I think people think mortar (shells rounds) are faster than they really are. In 1/800th of a sec., it'll move 3-12 inches.
pegobry travelhighlights:
F.decorate(_ge('photo_notes'), F._photo_notes).notes_go_go_go(2409820570, ' https://farm4.static.flickr.com/3136/2409820570_be2ae9efd8_t.jpg', '3.1444');
Facteur Cheval by R�mi Bridot
This is such an amazing story! From Wikipedia:
Cheval [who was a postman] began the building in April 1879.
juanplaneteye F.decorate(_ge('photo_notes'), F._photo_notes).notes_go_go_go(2409820570, ' https://farm4.static.flickr.com/3136/2409820570_be2ae9efd8_t.jpg', '3.1444');
Facteur Cheval by R�mi Bridot
This is such an amazing story! From Wikipedia:
Cheval [who was a postman] began the building in April 1879.
freedom4usa 2 mortar rounds hit Kabul
mcgeneral Mortar rounds land near Afghan presidential palace in Kabul
screwdini Gaza militants fire mortar rounds into Israel: army - AFP https://bit.ly/VnKQJ