Neil Armstrong: moon day

Amstrong-Michael-Collins-Buzz-AldrinLet’s remember and celebrate the great day, yes July 20  is the moon-day. Forty years back in this day Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had a little moon walking on the surface of moon.


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moon day

  • shyammurarka #quote "We will blow up the moon on a full moon day, to make sure we get it all!"
  • larsbaek It's moon day. RT @grantimahara: Now that we have defeated the moon, Phase Two (colonization) can begin, right??
  • Johnnythr3 Happy Attack-the-Moon Day.
  • mclaughlin67 It's been a half-moon day because of the flooring installation, if you get my drift.
  • Astarihany #moon -day = monday lol
  • baronnocturnus Happy Bomb The Moon day, everybody! Here's to one step closer towards becoming an extraterrestrial species!
  • katyjaynenyc Happy Bomb The Moon Day! I think NASA just officially made it #baddecisionfriday
  • rachaeljanelle Happy Follow friday and great TGIF and be safe !! Hope you have a good Moon day and #mileycomeback I don't think so
  • Rhizic happy National #BOMB THE MOON DAY !! #nasa #moon #lcross
  • farithrezza Definitely! We should name it, 'Bomb The Moon' Day RT @cartophilia Remember this day. The day the Intrastellar War began. #moon #nasa
  • farithrezza Definitely! We should name it, 'Bomb The Moon' Day RT@cartophilia Remember this day. The day the Intrastellar War began. #moon #nasa

Latest Friend Feeds

moon day

  • rebel1 ON the same day US bombs the moon Obama bombs with receiving nobel peace prize #tcot #teaparty #iamthemob #gop
  • eitansa zaibatsu: RT @SharonHayes: Whacky news day: Obama gets Nobel, Marge Simpson on cover of Playboy, NASA bombs the moon. #surreal
  • bhc3 RT @zaibatsu: RT @SharonHayes: Whacky news day: Obama gets Nobel, Marge Simpson on cover of Playboy, NASA bombs the moon. #surreal
  • ziabatsu RT @SharonHayes: Whacky news day: Obama gets Nobel, Marge Simpson on cover of Playboy, NASA bombs the moon. #surreal
  • smashcrab The Liberty Republican: Ridiculous News On this Day: USA BOMBS THE MOON, President Awarded Nobel Peace Prize
  • pandaziri RT @nQuo: "It is absolutely crucial that we bomb the moon. Just make sure it's after Mooncake Day so the Asians don't get mad." #nasa
  • mscalora Mike A note from a freind's neiceon FB:::Dear President Obama- On this, the day you win the Nobel Peace Prize, our nation has bombed a place that has never remotely threatened the US and infact has been a friend to our nation by regulating the tides and my menstrual cycle. Please leave the moon alone!
  • crews aaroncrews: RT @nancybartels RT @RAFairman : NASA bombed moon, Obama won Nobel Peace Prize Marge Simpson on the cover of Playboy. Normal day then.
  • cciepursuit RT: @alozier RT @Sundium Today is a weird day - Obama won a nobel prize, Marge Simpson is gonna be in Playboy and we bombed the moon!
  • thebushman Kyle Anyone else find it odd Obama got a his award the same day they bombed the moon.
  • lkscareers Lisa has wondered all day why the moon did NOT blow up
  • neffyenn Interesting day. AP Bio test & evac drill.
  • iphigenie furukama: LOL RT @Paula_Crepaldi Dear Diary, today NASA bombed the moon, Obama won the Nobel & Marge Simpson was on cover of Playboy. Just another day
  • iphigenie Paula_Crepaldi: Dear Diary, today NASA bombed the moon,Obama won Nobel Peace Prize & Marge Simpson was on cover of Playboy. Just another day on Earth.
  • kylewith Anyone else find it odd Obama got a his award the same day they bombed the moon.
  • crews RT @nancybartels RT @RAFairman : NASA bombed moon, Obama won Nobel Peace Prize Marge Simpson on the cover of Playboy. Normal day then.
  • zeroinfluencer ....a day that will live in infancy....frivolously give away a Nobel Peace Prize and shoot the fucking Moon to the tune of about $50 million
  • m4rch hannesleitlein: NASA bombs Moon, Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize, Marge Simpson will be naked on the Playboy November Cover. Just another day on Earth.
  • rsegoly We Will Return: You know it's the end of the world ,when in the day ,you bomb the moon and plan to send 60k mor..
  • richardstubbs Only in America - Marge Simpson in Playboy. Obama Nobel Peace Prize Winner.
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