UN suspends support to Honduran electoral court; says elections there likely won’t be credibleUNITED NATIONS — U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has suspended technical assistance to Honduras’ electoral court, saying turmoil there means presidential elections scheduled for November will not be credible. Hungry Hondurans hunt for food during break in curfew; deposed leader hunkers down at embassyTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — Hungry Hondurans scrambled through looted stores and lined up for food Wednesday during a break in a long curfew called to halt violence that erupted with the return of the country’s deposed leftist president. Honduran interim gov’t extends curfew after night of violence; deposed leader hunkers downTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — Honduras’ interim government extended an already long curfew through most of Wednesday after police skirmished with backers of ousted President Manuel Zelaya throughout the night and arrested more than 100 people for vandalism and looting. Deposed Honduran leader hunkers down in embassy after security forces scatter supportersTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — Diplomats and activists streamed out of the increasingly isolated Brazilian Embassy in Honduras where ousted President Manuel Zelaya holed up with a shrinking core of supporters and relatives, prompting Brazil to urge the U.N. Security Council to guarantee the compound’s safety. Brazil urges UN Security Council to hold emergency meeting on siege at embassy in HondurasBRASILIA, Brazil — Brazil’s government has asked the United Nations Security Council to convene an emergency meeting over a standoff in Honduras with the nation’s deposed president taking refuge in the Brazilian Embassy. Micheletti to set up team to discuss Honduran crisisTEGUCIGALPA - Honduras interim President Roberto Micheletti has decided to set up a commission to begin discussion on ending the political standoff in the country after Manuel Zelaya was ousted from presidency in a military coup in June. Honduran security forces break up pro-Zelaya demonstrations at embassy sheltering himTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — Baton-wielding soldiers used tear gas and water cannons to chase away thousands who demonstrated outside the Brazilian Embassy on Tuesday, leaving deposed President Manuel Zelaya and 70 friends and relatives trapped inside without water, electricity or phones. UN cancels election aid to HondurasNEW YORK - The United Nations has decided to cut off a previously announced aid to Honduras for its upcoming elections, as a new action against the putschists who took over the country in June. Honduras: US revokes visas of 16 interim officials in addition to those of MichelettiTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — A Honduran official says the United States has taken away the diplomatic and tourist visas of 16 interim government officials. Honduran coup leaders order expulsion of Argentine envoys ahead of foreign ministers’ visitTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — Honduras’ interim government ordered Argentine diplomats Tuesday to leave the country in three days, sending a defiant message ahead of a visit by six foreign ministers who are seeking the restoration of ousted President Manuel Zelaya. Interim Honduran government say they expect unfair treatment from visiting OAS rights monitorsTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — Honduras’ coup-installed government said it does not expect to be judged fairly by an international panel that arrived Monday to investigate allegations of human rights abuses. US SouthCom: Troops in Honduras didn’t know about plane that took Zelaya to exile after coupTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — The U.S. military said Sunday its troops in Honduras did not know of and played no role in a flight that took ousted President Manuel Zelaya to exile during a military coup. Molotov cocktails hurled at offices of Honduran newspaper; no injuriesTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — A Honduran editor says assailants threw molotov cocktails at the offices of his newspaper, setting fire to the entrance. Hondurans protest as ousted president visits Chile; US diplomat to negotiateTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — Honduras’ interim president appeared to reverse course Thursday and reject any official visit by the head of the Organization of American States, days after his government said OAS chief Jose Miguel Insulza could come as an observer with a diplomatic delegation. 10,000 supporters of Honduras’ ousted president arrive in capital after weeklong marchesTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — Honduras’ interim government reinstated a nighttime curfew for the capital after thousands of anti-coup protesters marched into Tegucigalpa on Tuesday to demand the return of ousted President Manuel Zelaya. Obama: Critics of US Honduras policy hypocritical in demanding that Washington take actionGUADALAJARA, Mexico —President Barack Obama says critics who complain the U.S. has not done enough to restore to power the elected government in Honduras are guilty of hypocrisy. Honduran coup-installed government accepts crisis negotiators with OAS chief as observer onlyTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras —Honduras’ interim government backed off its refusal of a visit by foreign delegates aimed at resolving the country’s political crisis. Obama gets gentle with Mexico, finds none in return
Honduras’ coup-installed president prohibits visit of crisis negotiators from OASTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras —Honduras’ interim government announced Sunday that it was canceling a visit by foreign delegates aimed at resolving the country’s political crisis because it could not accept the participation of a regional official who insists on reinstating the ousted president. Honduran military leadership defends decision to exile ousted presidentTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — Honduras’ military leadership defended its decision to force the ousted president into exile — a move the interim government has suggested was wrong even as it stands by the role of civilians in unseating President Manuel Zelaya. Nicaragua’s Ortega says Honduras may try to provoke neighbor as coup distractionTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega claimed Honduras’ coup-installed government might try to provoke a border military incident “to distract attention” from international efforts to restore ousted President Manuel Zelaya. US revokes diplomatic visas for Honduran officialsWASHINGTON — The Obama administration has revoked the diplomatic visas of four Honduran officials working in its interim government and is reviewing the visa status of other officials and their families, the State Department said Tuesday. Ousted Honduran president steps into homeland; supporters clash with troopsEL PARAISO, Honduras — Ousted President Manuel Zelaya stepped across the border into his homeland Friday, vowing to reclaim his post a month after soldiers flew him into exile. Honduras imposes daytime curfew for border region as deposed president prepares to returNTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — Honduras’ coup-installed government has ordered people off the streets along its border with Nicaragua as the country’s deposed president prepares to return home. Exiled Honduran leader says he’ll launch return bid after talks to return him to power falterMANAGUA, Nicaragua — Ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya on Thursday prepared a risky return to his homeland, where the government installed after last month’s coup vowed to arrest him. Honduras breaks off relations with VenezuelaTEGUCIGALPA - The Honduran de-facto regime Tuesday broke off diplomatic relations with Venezuela, whose president Hugo Chavez has stood by President Manuel Zelaya since his unceremonious ouster and expulsion in late June. US turns up pressure on defiant Honduras coup government, warns of tough sanctionsTEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — The United States is turning up pressure on the Honduran government installed by a coup — and the businessmen who support it — warning that they will face severe sanctions if ousted President Manuel Zelaya is not restored to power. Honduras negotiations snag on unity government proposal, but sides agree to more talksSAN JOSE, Costa Rica — Honduras’ interim government rejected a mediator’s proposal to reinstate ousted President Manuel Zelaya and form a national unity government, throwing negotiations on settling the political crisis into doubt Saturday night. Honduran interim leader rejects proposal for unity govt headed by Zelaya; talks deadlockedSAN JOSE, Costa Rica — Honduras’ interim government rejected a mediator’s proposal to reinstate ousted President Manuel Zelaya and form a national unity government, throwing negotiations on settling the political crisis into doubt Saturday night. Honduran interim government balks at crisis plan, dimming hopes for quick end to coup showdownSAN JOSE, Costa Rica — Hopes for a quick resolution to Honduras’ political crisis dimmed when its interim government balked at a plan presented in talks Saturday to reinstate ousted President Manuel Zelaya and form a national unity government. |