Splash! NASA says spacecraft strikes on moon’s south pole found significant amount of water

Splash! NASA moon strikes found significant water

NASA’s moon impact spacecraft discovers at least 25 gallons of water at lunar south pole

NASA: Spacecraft discovers water in moon crater

There is plenty of water on the moon, NASA confirms

WASHINGTON - There is indeed water on the moon - as first indicated by India’s maiden lunar mission Chandrayaan - and plenty of it, US space scientists said Friday on the basis of impacts made by a new satellite.

NASA’s moon impact mission yields best evidence yet of water

NASA: Water found in moon crater

LOS ANGELES — It turns out there’s plenty of water on the moon — at least near the lunar south pole, scientist said Friday.

US rocket crashes into moon in search of water

WASHINGTON - A NASA rocket crashed into the moon Friday, sending a huge plume of dust above the surface in an experiment scientists hope will provide data about ice hidden in the perpetually dark lunar craters.

Moonstruck: NASA hits the moon twice looking for water; no live pictures yet, but coming

nasa-moon-image-pia08004NASA makes as-yet unseen hit on moon with probes

First of 2 NASA planned moon crashes is a hit; Scientists look for water in kicked up dust

WASHINGTON — NASA has successfully bulldozed two spacecraft into the moon’s south pole in a search for hidden ice, but without the promised live photos.

Smackdown: NASA probes about to connect with one-two uppercuts of moon’s south pole

WASHINGTON — Two NASA spacecraft are barreling toward the moon at twice the speed of a bullet, about to crash Friday into a lunar crater in a search for ice.


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  • zariat Water, water everywhere, even on the moon. LCROSS turns up water by the 'bucketful,' NASA says. https://bit.ly/4anNEY. : RT @newscientist
  • LRO_NASA LCROSS team saw over 100 kg of water or "about a dozen two gallon buckets" worth from the impact. Go LCROSS! https://bit.ly/3QQUMf
  • razibkhan The moon is not such a harsh mistress: Dynamic of the Cats as some commentary on the LCROSS landing the moon. T.. https://bit.ly/4ATkTO
  • OpenParachute LCROSS impact plumes contained moon water, NASA says https://is.gd/4UvYl
  • newscientist Water, water everywhere, even on the moon. LCROSS turns up water by the 'bucketful,' NASA says. https://bit.ly/4anNEY.
  • mrhe25 NASA discovers water on the moon | Gather: https://bit.ly/1qQhww via @addthis #science #lcross #nasa #space #astronomy
  • sciam LCROSS impact plumes contained moon water, NASA says: A spacecraft that performed a choreographed two-part dive to... https://bit.ly/2Zv9Of
  • KansasStargazer RT NASA's LCROSS Impacts Confirm Water in Lunar Crater: Preliminary data from NASA's Lunar Crater Observation ... https://tinyurl.com/yapys74
  • bardosurfer NASA Mission Finds Water on Moon: Kenneth Chang, reporting for the NYT: The satellite, known as Lcross (pro.. https://bit.ly/2kCAbE

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  • tcwaters RT @BibleAlsoSays: RT @plasticmadness RT @Unstrung: NASA's LCROSS Impacts Confirm Water in Lunar Crater : https://bit.ly/wTIXZ
  • tcwaters Thomas RT @BibleAlsoSays: RT @plasticmadness RT @Unstrung: NASA's LCROSS Impacts Confirm Water in Lunar Crater : https://bit.ly/wTIXZ.
  • bevusa NASA finds water on the moon! https://go.usa.gov/lxF
  • didj NASA Mission Finds Water on Moon: Kenneth Chang, reporting for the NYT: The satellite, known as Lcross (pro.. https://bit.ly/2kCAbE
  • eril : https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/LCROSS/main/prelim_water_results.html
  • foleymo RT @tweetmeme NASA - Got Water Yes and a Whole Lot More! https://bit.ly/2MKikg
  • nzbuu Scientists have confirmed abundant water at the lunar south pole. https://tinyurl.com/yl47dvv
  • isciencegirl Con el impacto de LCROSS encontraron que agua congelada en la Luna https://twurl.nl/xtgv0r
  • gkrall NASA - NASA's LCROSS Impacts Confirm Water in Lunar Crater
  • jessykate RT @wsm1: At LCROSS press briefing. Water in large quantities on the moon is a complete game changer for humanity's space exploration plans.
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