Italy to shut down anti-Berlusconi Facebook siteL’AQUILA - The Italian government has ordered the closure of a group on the social networking website, Facebook, calling for the death of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, an official said Thursday. Italy’s quake homeless endure cold as they wait in tents as rush to build new homes goes onL’AQUILA, Italy — More than 4,000 people who survived last spring’s earthquake in Italy are shivering in tents, but they say they hope to be living in new, earthquake-proof homes soon. Lackluster G-8 summit brings fresh pressure for expanding too-exclusive world leaders ‘club’L’AQUILA, Italy — For all the smiles and upbeat talk, the just-ended Group of Eight summit showed how unwieldy the forum has become, run by Cold War-vintage powers while relegating the world’s fastest growing economies — China, India and Brazil — to observers. Leaders of rich and poor countries launch new approach to world hunger, promise $20 billionL’AQUILA, Italy — Leaders of rich and developing countries launched a new approach to global hunger Friday, saying they wanted to spend $20 billion on seeds, fertilizers, tools and other aid for small farmers over the next three years so poor nations could feed themselves. UK PM’s wife’s profile rises as she blogs and tweets her way through G8 summitL’AQUILA, Italy — The wife of British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has kept a blog of her activities on the sidelines of the G-8 Summit, stepping up attempts to boost her public profile while her husband’s popularity is plummeting. G8 reached partial deal on global warming, pushed for trade dealL’AQUILA, Italy — Here is a look at key agreements at the Group of Eight summit in L’Aquila, Italy: Russian president: WTO membership via customs union with Kazakhstan, Belarus “problematic”L’AQUILA, Italy — Russia’s plans to join the World Trade Organization as a three-way customs union including Kazakhstan and Belarus could be “problematic,” President Dmitry Medvedev said Friday. G8 leaders condemn Iranian President AhmadinejadL’AQUILA - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was Friday criticized by name by the G8, the group of the world’s wealthiest and most industrialized countries, for the ongoing turmoil in his country. Obama: World has averted economic disaster but full recovery ’still a ways off’L’AQUILA, Italy — Lasting worldwide recovery “is still a ways off,” President Barack Obama declared Friday, but he also said at the conclusion of a global summit that a disastrous economic collapse apparently has been averted. Gursharan Kaur meets Pope, sees quake devastationL’AQUILA - While Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has been busy with back-to-back meetings of the G8-G5 summit and bilaterals with heads of other countries in this quake-hit town of central Italy, his wife Gursharan Kaur had her own engagements that included an audience with the Pope. One billion are hungry, poor - nations acknowledge at L’Aquila
France’s Italian-born first lady donates $70,000 to L’Aquila quake survivorsL’AQUILA, Italy — France’s Italian-born first lady has pledged a personal donation of euro50,000 ($70,000) to a hospital treating quake survivors. Obama says state sovereignty is important, but there will be exceptions to the ruleL’AQUILA, Italy — President Barack Obama says respecting the sovereignty of nations is important, but that some “exceptional circumstances” — like genocide — require an international response. Obama: Wealthy nations have moral obligation, national security interest in fighting povertyL’AQUILA, Italy — President Barack Obama says wealthy countries have a moral obligation to fight poverty and hunger around the world. Italian press unhappy with snobbish BruniL’AQUILA - The Italian press has gone to town about the snobbish ways of Carla Bruni, the wife of French president Nicolas Sarkozy. Obama tells Congress he wants health care legislation by August recessL’AQUILA, Italy — Despite snags in Congress, President Barack Obama says his administration is closer to achieving health care reform than at any time in recent history. Obama says summits can work better than UN does, but right combination is needed
Obama says US and Russia must show the way toward stopping nuclear proliferationL’AQUILA, Italy — President Barack Obama says the United States and Russia must show they’re “fulfilling their commitments” to lead global efforts to curb the spread of nuclear weapons. Obama says concerns were heard about Iran elections, nuclear program at G-8L’AQUILA, Italy — President Barack Obama said Friday the international community is “not going to just wait indefinitely” for Iran to renounce an interest in developing nuclear weapons. Obama : world’s full economic recovery ’still a ways off’
Obama hails closing G-8 summit, calls it a productive session to confront difficult challengesL’AQUILA, Italy — President Barack Obama is hailing “candid and spirited discussions” at the G-8 summit, saying the world must come to grips with chronic problems like economic stagnation and climate change. World leaders to provide $20 billion to boost agriculture in poor countries
Orissa tribal girl rubs shoulder with US President in L’Aquila
The world’s ‘G’ order - G5, G8, G14, G20L’AQUILA - It can be termed as the new ‘G’ order of the world where the presence of nations proclaims their international political and economic status. Britain ready to cut warheads if others do it too, says BrownL’AQUILA - Britain is ready to cut its number of nuclear warheads in its Trident weapons system as part of a global deal, The Telegraph reports. World leaders launch $15 billion initiative to promote agriculture in poor countries.
Developing nations call upon developed nations to cut their emissions by up to 40 percentL’AQUILA - The developing countries criticised the G-8 nations for not taking enough steps to curb global warming, dubbing the proposed long-term targets as meaningless. he larger developing nations said they wanted to see more credible mid term targets than long-term ambitious targets. Leaving wonks behind, Obama ready for high-profile meeting with pope, visit to GhanaL’AQUILA, Italy — President Barack Obama is ending three days of often-wonkish policy discussions with fellow world leaders to embark on two of the most photogenic and emotional events of his young presidency: meeting the pope at the Vatican and becoming the first black American president to visit a mostly black African country. India hopeful as G8 talks of green fundL’AQUILA - India is hopeful that the issue of climate change will move forward with the G8 countries, the group of the world’s most developed nations, discussing the setting up of a Green Fund. Obama to visit India next yearWASHINGTON - President Barack Obama has accepted Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh’s invitation to visit India, and promised to come next year. |