22-year-old Ariz. man teaching English overseas goes missing in Germany after concert Nov. 21

Ariz. man, 22, missing in Germany after concert

LatAm Indians struggle to keep identity, native tongues alive

Fighting the odds to keep Indian tongues alive

France’s Sarkozy calls for ‘emergency plan’ to improve foreign language instruction in schools

PARIS — French children generally spend years learning foreign languages in school, but the results are often dismal. So President Nicolas Sarkozy called Tuesday for an emergency plan to produce more bilingual students.

Young foreigners travel to China to hunt for jobs as home markets battered by crisis

BEIJING — When the best job Mikala Reasbeck could find after college in Boston was counting pills part-time in a drugstore for $7 an hour, she took the drastic step of jumping on a plane to Beijing in February to look for work.

From math and science to ‘matematik’ and ’sains’: Malaysia schools drop instruction in English

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Malaysia announced Wednesday it will abandon the use of English to teach math and science, bowing to protesters who demanded more use of the national Malay language.

Supreme Court says Arizona entitled to fresh look on adequacy of programs for English-learners

PHOENIX — The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday handed a partial victory to Arizona officials, ruling that the state is entitled to a fresh legal review that could lift a court order requiring changes in how schools teach children learning English.


Does a rapist marrying the rape-victim right the wrong?
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