veganjesus From today's 100-year-old newspaper: Gompers wants "Negroes" out of "pure" labor unions. How quaint.
Krys33 This guy is doing his presentation on labor unions in the form of slam poetry. Is this really happening? (I'm so glad I didn't skip today.)
eChaplain Obama n Labor Unions. BO-when unions depended plants & coal mines for livelihood-they supported growth policies. Now depend on government.
eChaplain Obama n Labor Unions. 2009 majority of workers for government are union members. 1973--17.3% union members. Today BO has 51.2%. UNREAL!
srubenfeld Labor unions are funding aggressive, accountability-driven journalism, kinda like the old days. ht @seasonothebitch
PolicyPerson mnpACT misses a solution to the terrible DFL gubernatorial problem. Just let the labor unions sort it out this year.
peteamundson a hearty congratulations to chicago's labor unions for driving away another trade show from the convention center...#fail