Convicted wife-killer Hans Reiser, a “brilliant” Linux developer, led police Monday to what he said was the body of his wife, Nina Reiser, in the Oakland hills just two days before he was to be sentenced for first-degree murder, authorities said.
spindellett En gang skal jeg dra til Kenya med @geirertzgaard Ta en titt p� bildene hans; blinkskudd tatt mellom 2004 og 2007
syuu Hans Reiserreiserfs
ecerulm Hans Reiser Sentenced to 15-to-Life
janstedehouder the lowlife says Nina Reiser is to blame for being murdered by Hans. She caused the loss of great code.
jrobertson #browsing 'Hans Reiser Murder Trial: The Vilification Defense Begins - UPDATE II ' []
Two years ago Hans Reiser, skilled programmer and creator of Namesys, plead guilty to murdering his wife. The evidence was overwhelming.
coreythrace Looking fwd to a reading from Stephen Elliott In a bit. He wrote The Adderall Diaries (about Hans Reiser's murder trial)
zzamboni Hans Reiser (not the reiserfs guy) talking about using virtualization for fault tolerance #zisc09
sherlockmao [OT][]Hans Reiser:
vvoody []Hans Reiser:
johnrdavisjr Studies that show that geeks are fat and depressed need to look up Hans Reiser. He was an industrious geek ...
arclite @ddribin I'd told him the story of Hans Reiser earlier in the day. He's apparently just *really bad* with names.
basst74 Terror in der Waage 1960 TV Joachim Hoene s Walter Andreas Schwarz translation Peter Shaffer play Hans Reiser Harry Radcliff G�nther Schramm Mike Fenby Hans Epskamp Colonel Beaumont Wera Frydtberg Anne Fortner Ludwig Thiesen Karl M�ller Karin Eickelbaum Connie Johannes Schaaf Schl�gertyp Konrad Georg Rendall Alf Marholm Davies rest of cast listed alphabetically Rolf Kreiser Schl�gertyp Horst-Werne
gcacho Gieson Woah Stephen Elliott wrote about the bat shit crazy Hans Reiser trial I gotta read this.
gcacho Woah Stephen Elliott wrote about the bat shit crazy Hans Reiser trial I gotta read this.
hackworks Catching up with the #reiserfs and Hans Reiser fiasco
str56 Geliebter L�gner 1950 Hans Schweikart s Hans Schweikart writer Helmut Weiss writer Elfie Mayerhofer Jeanette Hans Söhnker Rudolf Siebert Gustav Knuth Braubach Erich Ponto Plage Werner Fuetterer Dr Gö�ler Hans Leibelt Direktor Berger Charlott Daudert Modell Margarete Haagen Frau Weber Thea Aichbichler Frau Wanninger Marietheres Angerpointner Anita Charlotta Vetrone Lilo Elisabeth Goebel Fr�ulein
str56 Stra�enserenade 1953 Werner Jacobs Released on 24 November 1953 West Germany Otto Geb�hr Paul Heidemann Walter Janssen Ellinor Jensen Franz Loskarn Charles Régnier Hans Reiser Maria Sebaldt Vico Torriani Rolf Wanka Herbert Weicker Sybil Werden
jamesglenn17 Hans Reiser: Hans Thomas Reiser (born 19 December 1963) is an American computer programmer, owner of Namesys, an..
basst74 Schlu�akkord 1960 Wolfgang Liebeneiner s Walter Forster idea John H Kafka writer Christian Marquand Frank Leroux Eleonora Rossi Drago Linda Valore Mario Del Monaco Carlo del Monti Viktor de Kowa Alexander von Berkin Marion Michael Jacqueline Petersen Christian Wolff Freddy Adeline Wagner Josefine Wendelin Hans Reiser Vladya Dupont Ljuba Welitsch Louise Rudolf Carl Höllenstein Hannsgeorg Laubentha