New dinosaur species dating back 200 million years found in South Africa, scientists say
Scientists: New dinosaur species found in SAfrica French nature lovers discover huge dino footprints in sauropod stomping groundPARIS — Now that’s one big foot. Rare Badlands dinosaur skeleton makes trip to Japan _ a mammoth taskBISMARCK, N.D. — Dakota the duckbilled dinosaur is a hit in Japan after making its biggest trip ever. CAT scans show extinct eagle in New Zealand may have eaten humans, researchers sayBANGKOK — Sophisticated computer scans of fossils have helped solve a mystery over the nature of a giant, ancient raptor known as the Haast’s eagle which became extinct about 500 years ago, researchers said Friday. Famed for its dinosaur bones, Vernal was also an outlaw hideoutVERNAL, Utah — Local legend has it that cowboys, sheep herders and trappers long knew about the huge fossilized bones that regularly surfaced from the ancient rock underlying Utah’s dinosaur country. Dino detectives: New ‘fingerprinting’ technique may help nab fossil poachers on public landsSALT LAKE CITY — Looters who plundered one of Utah’s newest troves of dinosaur bones got away with ribs, vertebrae and part of an ancient legbone they had to bust apart to remove. They also stole hidden scientific clues about the life of a young diplodocus dinosaur that roamed the area some 150 million years ago. Signs of life: Mammal tracks from 190 million years ago found at Dinosaur National MonumentSALT LAKE CITY — Hundreds of tiny footprints left by mammals some 190 million years ago have been found on a canyon wall in a remote part of Dinosaur National Monument, park officials said Thursday. I’ll be back! Australovenator _ biggest carnivore found in Australia _ roamed 98M years agoCANBERRA, Australia — Scientists have confirmed for the first time that Australia was once home to a dinosaur that was big, fast and terrifying, and they’ve named it like something from an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. Meet the Australovenator. Duckbill dinosaur jaws ground and shredded food, unlike animals todayWASHINGTON — Think you grind your teeth? Pity the ancient hadrosaur. Famed Montana dinosaur hunter gets probation, community service in stolen bones caseGREAT FALLS, Mont. — Renowned dinosaur hunter Nathan Murphy was sentenced Wednesday to four months in a halfway house and three years probation after pleading guilty to stealing fossils. Paleontologists visit enemy turf in evolution debate with field trip to Creation Museum in Ky.PETERSBURG, Ky. — In a dimly lit corner of the Creation Museum stands a life-size replica of a wrecking ball labeled “Millions of Years” demolishing the facade of a brick church. AP News in Brief![]() more images Amateur paleontologist sentenced to 60 days for stealing raptor bones in MontanaBILLINGS, Mont. — A commercial fossil hunter, whose discovery of the world’s best-preserved dinosaur brought scientific acclaim, will serve 60 days in jail for stealing raptor bones from private land. Globe-trotting dinosaurs? Similar tracks in Wyoming, Scotland spur study using 3-D technologyLARAMIE, Wyo. — It’s a Jurassic curiosity: As far as anyone can tell, the fossilized, three-toed dinosaur tracks in north-central Wyoming and on Scotland’s coast are indistinguishable. “Supergiant” asteroid shut down magnetic field of MarsWASHINGTON - In a new research, scientists suggest that a “supergiant” asteroid several times larger than the one that likely killed the dinosaurs struck Mars with such force that it shut down the planet’s magnetic field. Blast to the past: Explosives team helps researchers excavate prized dinosaur quarrySALT LAKE CITY — Sometimes the delicate tools of dinosaur diggers just don’t cut it. |