ScottColetti Focus Turns to Desiree Rogers After Congress Grills Secret Service on White ...: The director of the Secret Service...
I_AM_MRJONES Wow @ this Desiree Rogers witch hunt. Yikes! @ the subcommittee threatening her with Contempt of Congress.
punditreview Desiree Rogers should just be happy people are talking about her incompetence and not the shiteous slip cover of dress she wore. #tcot
otvtweets R republicans really concerned about the safety & security of President Obama or are they just looking 4 a reason 2 headhunt Desiree Rogers?
SpryLeeScott was amused at first about the white house party crashers, but is now annoyed at how they're trying to throw Desiree Rogers under the bus!
teejcee i think that desiree rogers lady should be fired the crashers should go to jail
Chili69 White House will stick up for Desiree Rogers for not doing her job. Who will stick up for our Navy SEALS for doing theirs?
DanielConti59 islandlawblog: Desiree Rogers, Executive Privilege, and Obama's New Government "Transparency"
TheRiverWanders JoeScar begins his AM entertainment show attacking women again. Now it's Desiree Rogers in his pretend *hot seat*.
NatsINtheCity #low key I wanna work for desiree rogers and the white house event planning staff