Young girl who survived Yemenia air crash off Comoros returns to family in ParisLE BOURGET, France — A severely bruised young girl believed to be the only survivor of an Indian Ocean plane crash flew back Thursday to Paris, where she was embraced gently by her father, who tried to lift her spirits with a joke. Sole Comoros crash survivor returns home to FrancePARIS - The only known survivor from the crash of a Yemenia Airbus A310 near the Comoros islands, 12-year-old Bahiya Bakary, arrived at Le Bourget airport near Paris Thursday. French plane carrying young girl who survived Yemenia air crash off Comoros arrives in FranceLE BOURGET, France — A young girl believed to be the only survivor of an Indian Ocean plane crash flew back to Paris from the Comoros Islands on Thursday to the waiting arms of her father and siblings. Yemenia Airbus was 19 years old, but experts say planes can safely fly well past thatBRUSSELS — The Airbus 310 that crashed Tuesday was 19 years old, yet experts say older planes can keep going strong for years as long as companies are willing to invest what it takes to keep them sky-worthy. Airbus 310 crashes off Comoros Islands with 142 passengers, 11 crewMORONI, Comoros — A Yemeni jetliner carrying 153 people crashed into the Indian Ocean on Tuesday as it attempted to land amid severe turbulence and howling winds. Officials said a teenage girl was plucked from the sea, the only known survivor. Search on for Yemeni plane crash survivors; child rescued (Third Lead)JOHANNESBURG/SANAA - A five year-old child was being brought ashore Tuesday, after surviving a Yemen Airways plane crash near the Comoros Islands, officials said. One survivor of Yemenia Airways crash found: ReportPARIS - Searchers have found a survivor of early Tuesday’s crash of a Yemenia Airways flight with 153 people on board, French i-tele reported, citing information from the airline. French inspectors found faults with Yemeni Airways jetPARIS — France’s transport minister says French aviation inspectors found a “number of faults” during a 2007 inspection of a plane that has crashed in the Indian Ocean. Yemen Airline Crash: Many Feared Dead
Bodies of Yemen Airways crash victims spotted (Second Lead)SANA’A - Eyewitnesses have spotted bodies and an oil slick in waters near the Comoros Islands following the crash of a Yemen Airways flight with 153 people on board in the India Ocean early Tuesday, Yemeni officials said Tuesday. Yemeni official: Airbus 310 crashes off Comoros islands with 142 passengers, 11 crew on boardSAN’A, Yemen — A passenger jet from Yemen with 153 people on board crashed in the Indian Ocean early Tuesday as it tried to land during heavy wind on the island nation of Comoros, and search teams rescued a child from the sea, officials said. Yemeni airport official: Plane that crashed off Comoros had 142 passengers, 11 crew on boardSAN’A, Yemen — A Yemeni aviation official says the Yemeni Airbus 310 that crashed off the Comoros islands in the Indian Ocean had 142 passengers and a crew of 11 Yemenis on board. Several bodies found in Yemen Airways crash: ReportDUBAI - The bodies of several passengers aboard the Yemen Airways flight that crashed in the Indian Ocean early Tuesday have been found, reports broadcaster Al-Arabiya. A look at world’s deadliest air disastersA look at some of the world’s deadliest air disasters: AP News in BriefIran test fires missiles amid global flap over its nuclear ambitions |