Helicopters, boats rescue over 200 from floods in UK’s Lake District; Ireland also hard hit

Floods devastate UK Lake District; much of Ireland

Helicopters, boats rescue scores from floods in UK’s Lake District; Ireland also hard hit

Floods devastate UK Lake District; Many rescued

British air force rescues 200 people from floodwaters in tourist region

200 in UK tourist region rescued from floodwaters

COCKERMOUTH, England — Britain’s air force and emergency workers using inflatable boats rescued about 200 people Friday as rising floodwaters caused widespread havoc in northern England’s picturesque Lake District. One police officer was missing after a bridge was washed away.

British air force rescues 200 people from floodwaters in tourist region

200 in UK tourist region rescued from floodwaters


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  • speth86 really should stop tittering like a child every time Cockermouth gets mentioned on the news. But seriously... Cockermouth?! WTF
  • ROLLINGCARS There's 4 'Children in Need' in Cockermouth tonight. Their Dad, PC Bill Barker lost his life earlier today, remember them in your thoughts
  • VonPud One good thing about the floods in the homeland is that I get to hear BBC newsreadera saying Cockermouth a lot. Nobagob, you're now famous.
  • pontusw Cockermouth. Mwaha. Cockermouth.
  • HoosierThom Clean-up begins in Cockermouth following devastating floods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8se7sK1J2A
  • iammixed This city in great britain is called "cockermouth" and it's "under"water.. Cause of this flood..
  • areyouthereblog Watching the News Hour with Dudley. Story on flooding in UK. We both burst out laughing at the location: cockermouth.
  • theyarnyard Cockermouth https://bit.ly/5sAyYT

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  • hanniepants @JayJoyes @stephenfry was chatting about the flooding in cockermouth and people struggling to keep a straight face
  • nickbooth Which news reader will be the first to smirk when they say cockermouth
  • johnthurm The Cumbria floods have been terrible. Such a wonderful place.
  • mullers Who the hell calls a town 'Cockermouth'
  • netaid Cockermouth is still soaking
  • netaid There's Carp in Cockermouth
  • inquisitionnews Blaine Floods devastate UK Lake District, much of Ireland: COCKERMOUTH, England (AP) -- Raging floods engulfed no.. https://bit.ly/6UdNrD (AP).
  • inquisitionnews Floods devastate UK Lake District, much of Ireland: COCKERMOUTH, England (AP) -- Raging floods engulfed no.. https://bit.ly/07rBf26 (AP)
  • inquisitionnews Blaine Floods devastate UK Lake District, much of Ireland: COCKERMOUTH, England (AP) -- Raging floods engulfed no.. https://bit.ly/07rBf26 (AP).
  • inquisitionnews Floods devastate UK Lake District, much of Ireland: COCKERMOUTH, England (AP) -- Raging floods engulfed no.. https://bit.ly/6UdNrD (AP)
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