Fla. woman plans to be a graduate and a bride on the same day in Iowa

Woman plans to be a graduate, bride on same day

Mom accused of punching Tennessee deputy in the face after the officer arrested her son

Mom allegedly hits deputy who arrested her son

Clinton: US wants Israel settlement halt ‘forever’

Clinton: US wants Israel settlement halt ‘forever’

1-800-Clunkers? Illinois florist keeps getting calls meant for cash-for-clunker hotline

CHICAGO, Ill. — The government is giving cash for clunkers. It isn’t sending flowers.

Clinton meets women artisans in India

Hillary-ClintonMUMBAI - “We shall overcome”, the iconic anthem of the flower power generation — sung in Gujarati — greeted US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as she arrived at the handicrafts outlet of the Self Employed Women Association (SEWA) here Saturday.

Motorist says 500-pound moose ‘fell out of the sky’ near bridge in Maine

CLINTON, Maine — Police said a 500-pound moose fell 18 feet to its death when it apparently leaped a guardrail on an Interstate 95 overpass and landed on Hinckley Road. Officials learned of the incident when a motorist called the town office shortly after 8 a.m. Tuesday and told assistant town clerk Shirley Bailey that “a moose just fell out of the sky.”

Clinton says defeating al-Qaida is at the center of Obama’s new strategy in Afghanistan

WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is telling Congress that the core goal of President Barack Obama’s anti-terror strategy is to defeat al-Qaida and prevent its return to Afghanistan.


Does a rapist marrying the rape-victim right the wrong?
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  • 1MRVP Win or lose, Hillary Clinton just goes from strength to strength https://bit.ly/8hq1NT
  • mikejmcginnis Clinton upbeat on climate change talks with India|GURGAON, India (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary .. https://oohja.com/x3B4M
  • tjmstl Obama Apprv -19: At least Clinton governed with the polls. We'd be better off if this idiot prez at least did that.
  • louton Obama said some good things in his Nobel speech, which he doesn't believe in. Although adept, he is not as skillful a liar as Bill Clinton.
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  • rbpierce2009 Bill Clinton Left a Balance Budget and a 400 Billion Surplus where did that go Republicans.
  • Sloane05lal Business leaders key to solving climate crisis says Bill Clinton ... https://cli.gs/b3vpr

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  • venezuelapress Teher�n critica las advertencias de Clinton a los pa�ses de Am�rica Latina
  • osna112 Gore Vidal sagt, Hillary Clinton w�re die bessere Wahl gewesen - RT @cicero_online: "Obama schl�gt sich furchtbar" https://bit.ly/8ZKiHP #fb
  • napolitik @osna112 @cicero_online Ich war immer der Meinung, dass Hillary Clinton besser ins Wei�e Haus geh�rt h�tte. Nominierung pro Obama war knapp.
  • napolitik Vidal sagt, Clinton w�re die bessere Wahl gewesen - RT @cicero_online: "Obama schl�gt sich furchtbar" https://bit.ly/8ZKiHP #fb /via @osna112
  • connorwalsh RT @AJRizKhan: On Mon, Hillary Clinton talks about how she'll get the Israeli-Palestinian peace process moving again. Join us with your Q's
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  • intellibitz #swat Pak must do more against extremists groups like Lashkar : Clinton - India Business Blog (blog) https://bit.ly/69dutG
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