the_scribe Everyone seems to be so upset about Tiger Woods affairs, but Bill Clinton LIED under oath & Oval Office tricks, but that was ok with DEMS
gsorensen Thank you, ABC News, for fonting George W. Bush and Bill Clinton and even letting us know that were were presidents of the United States.
KJjournalist Former White House Intern Monica Lewinsky Says Bill Clinton Lied: Monica Lewinsky, the former White House intern wh...
mystic23 i remember bill clinton in 92 getting boo'd by a crowd when he assumed that everyone liked their HMO's. people HATE insurance companies.
mikesdharma Bill Clinton: Abandoning Health Care Bill 'Colossal Blunder' #hc09 #healthcare-
Stranahan Let's get this point straight once and for all - Ralph Nader didn't cost Al Gore the election - Bill Clinton did; his dick and his policy
kerrypwood Bill Clinton: Lower Than a Yard Dog #tcot
onlylivingirl Today Bill Clinton said: "Let's not make perfection the enemy of good" re: health care reform: I AGREE it's time to pass this leg! #pr #hcr
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Bill clinton
alanbrantley Bill Clinton Lied, Had Affair With Susan McDougal, New Book Claims
theblackbook Monica 'Clinton's Personal Knob Cleaner' Lewinsky Claims Bill Lied To Grand Jury
mcgeneral Bill Clinton: Lower Than a Yard Dog
dncbloggers Clinton, Gates Push Defense Bill
noetical Voice of experience: Bill Clinton calls on Senate to pass health reform bill #hcr #hc09 #obama
ryanjdavis Paul Krugman: "Pass the health care bill." Joining Bill Clinton supporting #HCR. #P2
petrbuben Monica Lewinsky: Bill Clinton lied under oath about our relationship
monical Monica Lewinsky: Bill Clinton lied under oath about our relationship - Daily Mail
stinkeye Monica Lewinsky Says Bill Clinton Lied Under Oath: sounds like a pretty unnecessary book.� wasn't ther..
polymath22 RT @RyanNewYork: Bill Clinton endorses Senate health care plan, "this is a good bill." #P2 #HCR