3 soldiers from US killed in a fired mortar rounds at a base in Southern Iraq, the area which was hoped to be violence free, though the northern part of the country is still hot.
missfruitfly For dinner: 3 chesse squash & greens dish invented to get rid of the squash. Hope it's good.
svartling Lacking Citibank Survey Misses The Mark About Small Business Use of Social Media
jalmi [ https://intl-rsta.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/363/1835/2377.full#ref-12]
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usSitemapWhat is a proofAlan Bundy1, Mateja Jamnik2 and Andrew Fugard1
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1School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh Appleton Tower,
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j0217995 A peace prize for hope
tweetdiscovered RT @saumilzx:@warker i hope! in point 3- android will be best for generic flexible use, whereas iPhone will keep pushing innovation and streamlined
petrbuben [FatWallet] ipod Touch & ipod & iphone App "Peter und Vlad normally $3 but it's FREE this weekend
theblackbook New jobs in North Carolina at CREE, producing LED lights [A Blog Around The Clock]
modelsupplies @AnthonyTilghman Anthony~! Great to see you, my friend! Any big plans for the 3 day weekend Hope to tweet ya =)
theblackbook Jane Jacobss Village Townhouse Sold for $3.3 Million
sivasothi 3 and 12 hour forecast for north-east is cloudy, not stormy unlike rest of Singapore; hope it remains for the Pulau Ubin field trip
poochiew New iPod Shuffle 3/12/09
gbierman Okay, the new ups battery had some charge to it, but I've went from a 100% Load Capacity to 10%, and less than 3 minutes to some 40 minutes for on battery time. I'm very happy, hope those numbers stay that good after the battery has 'burned' in some.
billskrypnyk NSF awards Harvard $10 million for robot bees (video)
ressmann The All-You-Can-Consume-For-Free Internet Era Is Over
seanmcbride Israeli, Palestinian leaders mostly praise peace prize for Obama - Los Angeles Times
nileshbabu Chrome for Mac Coming in Months Says Guy Nominally in Charge of Google [Chrome]
nileshbabu Weekend Movieland Braces for Full Frontal Assault of Couple's Retreat mer [Defamer Movie Guide]
nileshbabu Gilbert ready for Paris-Tours defence
lukwam Lukas Did Phish mail order, 4 each for all 3 MSG and both Albany shows. $1,118.00 Let's hope I get at least one of them!